Chapter 2. Personal Questions

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Author's Note:
Hi, everyone! Welcome to this, my first story on Wattpad. It is also my first attempt on writing erotica, I'll try to write it according to my taste and perhaps, take some ideas from your comments *winks* I hope you can enjoy my story as much as I enjoy writing. Please, feel free to correct any grammar errors I might make, as English is not my mother tongue.

"So, are you seeing anyone?" I almost choke on my coffee as I hear him ask.

"What's the deal with you?!" I sound meaner than I meant to, he smiles pushing the napkins closer to me. "It's no' something you ask someone you've just met."

"I just wanted to know..." he looks down, I bite my lower lip guiltily "besides, we're not exactly strangers."

"You've got a point there" I admit "but it's still early to ask such things..."

"Is it?" He looks enquiringly at me, I force my sight away. I have no answer for that. His phone rings and saves me from answering, he takes it out and looks surprised when he sees the calling number.

"Hai, Tsuki-chan?" He says, I look away while he talks to his sister.

After spending most of the last few hours walking around town, we finally came to a stop in a cafe close to the main square. There are a few people outside, I look around without paying that much attention to anything, until I see a bairn walking with his parents across the street, I look longingly at the family, and keep staring to nothingness once they disappear from my sight.

"...-llow, Willow" I turn towards my companion, he holds his phone towards me. "Tsuki-chan wants to speak to you."

I nod and take his phone, my skin tingles where his fingers brush mine. "Hello?" I say.

"Willow! How are you?" My friend's always too cheery voice greets me, I smile.

"I'm fine, how is school?" I canna supress a giggle as I hear her sigh.

"Did you two agree to ask the same things or what?" She asks, I can hear the pout in her voice, I shoot a quick glance at the redhead in front of me, he shruggs. "Anyway, that's not important. How are you getting along with Nii-chan, eh? Please, tell me you're sharing a room!"

"Tsuki! My home is spacious enough for both of us, no need tae worry" I try lowering my voice, since he had looked at me enquiringly as I indignantly replied to his sister.

"Oh, really?" She kept pouting "and I went out of my way so that you two could be alone for some time..."

"You do know you're making no sense"

"Oh you kill-joy" I roll my eyes "don't send my brother back without kissing him at least."


"Gotta go! I leave Nii-chan in your care. Bye!"

"Wait a..." I couldn't finish as the dial tone sounds. I return the phone to his owner, who shoots me a curious glance. "Sometimes I doona get your sister at all."

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