Chapter 6. Inveraray

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The phone wakes me up. I sit-up while rubbing my eyes sleepily, the covers sliding down from me. Wait, covers? As far as I can remember, there were no covers on us when I fell asleep. Another ring makes me rush tae answer.

"Hello?" I ask as I look back at my bed, and the sight of him sleeping brings a smile tae my face.

"What is this about you sheltering a man in your hoose, Seileach?" A familiar voice asks on the other side of the line.

"I'm fine, thank you, Tyr. Missed you too" I roll my eyes "How's my sister-in-law?"

"Mairi's fine. Now, would ye mind answerin', lass?" Tyr sounds worried as can be.

"James told you, did he no'?"

"How did you know?"

"You think I doona know my own twin?" I hear Mairi say something in the background. "That and I doona have that many visitors"

I hear him arguing with his wife for a few moments.

"Hello Sweetie, how have you been?" Mairi won, obviously.

"I'm fine thank you, have you had any problems?" I smile.

"Och no, none at all!" Cheery Mairi is cheery, as usual. "We actually have good news."

"Good news?" I ask "Is it what I think it is?"

"Maybe" She adds "we would like tae tell you in person though, mind comin' over some time soon?"

"Sure" I smile.

"Great! How does tonight sound?"

"Tonight..." I repeat feeling his arms hugging me.

"Definitely, that way we'll get tae meet your mysterious guest as well."


"Can't blame us, Sweetie. You haven't had a boyfriend in ages!"


"No buts, lass. So tonight?"

"I'll tell him about it." I sigh in defeat, he lets out a chuckle.

"Perfect. We'll be waiting for you, be safe!"

I have no time to reply when she has hung up already, I sigh again.

"So, where are we going?" Hiro asks.

"Inveraray, apparently. I turn around and kiss him, my breasts tickle as they brush against his lower chest. "Guid morning" I say as we come apart, the way he caresses my back makes my skin tingle.

"Good morning" he answers in a soft voice while smiling. I smile too and hug him, placing my ear upon his chest so that I can listen to his heartbeat.

"We should probably get ready" I add.

"I thought we're supposed to be there tonight?"

"Yeah, but I want tae show you around. Besides, do you no' have somewhere tae be at tomorrow?"

"Right..." he kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

Soon, we put the suitcases in the car and set off towards Inveraray.

"Are you sure you're alright with this?" He asks midway, I take another sip of my coffee.

"I'm alright" I answer, my eyes set on the landscape "it's like going home anyway"


"I'd rather no' talk about it."

"If you say so" He takes my hand briefly. I look at him, and he smiles at me, before looking back at the road. I wonder if my brother will be nice tae him, I surely hope so.

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