Chapter 4. Busted

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"Naze ore ni shinjirarenai ka? Willow." His words haunt me when I wake up as well as their meaning. "Why won't you believe me?" Could it be he wasn't lying? The lack of sound inside the house tells of him being asleep. I put on my robe and head towards the kitchen. I gather he'll be having one hell of a hangover so I start making coffee while I remember what a friend said was the best breakfast against it, but after a while decide on porridge since there are no chili peppers at home. Should probably ask him to send me some.

"Wut time's it?" His voice startles me suddenly, I find him leaning on the doorframe, right hand supporting his forehead and clothes made a mess. There's so much I can do not to leave the stove and approach him.

"It's six o'clock" I answer looking away, I grab the coffee pot, leaving the porridge to simmer, and pour him a cup. "Here, you'll probably need it."

He takes the cup and grimaces as he tastes the bitter drink. "Thank you" he mutters sitting at the small table. "I'm sorry about last night."

"There's nothing to apologize for" I check the pot "you're no' at fault. James, on the other hand..."

"But I might have done something to you while drunk!" He interrupts.

I feel myself blush as the memory of him kissing my neck flashes through my mind. "You did nothing bad" I assure him as I start serving the porridge. And even if you did, I'm no' mad about it.

"Your face says otherwise" He answers, starting to eat.

"It's nothing, really" I tell him. He turns his eyes towards me and shakes his head, smiling.

"You just won't tell me what I did, will you?" He leaves his empty plate aside and smiles. "Either you're trying to save me from myself, or you might not be as uninterested as you appear to be."

I must admit I've got no reply for that and keep eating quietly under his gaze until he leaves.

No more than fifteen minutes afterwards, he goes on his way to Glasgow and I'm left alone with my thoughts. I try doing some household chores, but let's face it, I've never liked them and I leave it as I finish doing the dishes. "Or you are not as uninterested as you appear to be..." Oh dear, you really don't know how close you are to the truth, I think looking through the window. The cloudy sky tells of rain, no' that uncommon up here, but I love rain anyway. I head towards my bedroom and take off the robe, hiding myself under the covers as I let my mind go wild with thought of him. The look in his eyes, his touch on my skin, the feel of his weight upon me. It's no' long before I lie touching myself and restraining my voice, a trick learnt from living with two older brothers and an overprotective mother. I imagine him taking me once and again. I know I probably shouldn't be doing this, but there's a limit on how much I can contain myself and he won't be back till nighttime, maybe. So I lie for a while, striking my clit and moistening it with my love juices and loose myself in the sensations that bring me closer and closer to finish.

It's no' until I hear him clear his throat that I notice I never heard the main door open and close. I straighten myself as fast as I can. "I forgot to close the door, dinna?" I sigh.

"The front door was closed" he answers. I feel my face burn in shame. This is going to be complicated. "Mind coming out?"

I pull the covers from over my head, and step out avoiding his gaze.

"Please forget about all of this" I start, feeling him staring at me. "I-I'll understand if you doona want to stay here anymore, so... Just go."

My voice dies in the silence between us, I dare not look at him and sigh again as I hear the bedroom's door close. Of course, I guess I expected for this to happen sometime. I think feeling the tears flood my eyes.

"You really don't get it, do you?" He speaks in a low voice, and sounds much closer. "What you're doing to me." He takes my hand, and I'm so stunned because of what's happening that I can't fight, he pulls my chin up so I can look into his eyes. "If my words were not clear enough, I might have to tell you some other way." He says before kissing me.


Hi, everyone!
It's been a while since I uploaded anything. Sorry about that, by the way. So... finally something good happening? Next episode will take a while to come out, I need to figure out how am I going to describe it. Anywho, sorry for the short episode.


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