Epilogue. A Marvelous Surprise

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It has been a few months since Hiro came tae stay at my place. After that, we have called each other in turns once a week. I still miss him, but it's no' tha' bad.

Today is gaming night, and I'm a bit nervous because I haven't been a Game Master in a long time, because neither me, Nuada or Lugh have been able tae get together. We have a rule. Each of us is GM for a campaign. I am trying a new system today.

Lugh and Nuada, the twins, are Tyr's friends, they are about his age, if a bit younger; and I'm known them both for as long as I can remember. Nuada keeps a pub in town, and Lugh helps whenever he can. James and I liked going there until our parents died. Last time I went tae Nuada's pub was when Hiro stayed over. I would've introduced them, but Nuada was no' there tha' day.

I have just begun the campaign, and my friends' characters have found their first obstacle. I'm about tae let a trap reveal itself, when my front door is knocked. The three of us look at each other.

"You said you were no' expecting anyone, Seileach." Lugh says.

"I am no'"

"Should I get the door?" Nuada asks.

"I'll go." I stand up. "You lads think about your problem."

I leave them at the dining table, discussing ideas tae evade possible attacks. I would have never imagined what waits for me at the other side of the door.

"Willow-nee!" Tsuki jumps and hugs me, cheery as ever. She changed my nickname, I wonder why she added the nee at the end.

Hiro stands outside, smiling at us. I return the smile as his sister finally lets go of me.

"Hi." He says.

"Hullo." I answer. "Wha' are you doing here?"

"We came on holiday!" Tsuki announces. The lass looks first at her brother, and then at me. "I knew it! Anywho, I'm going upstairs tae find a room for myself!"

"How lñong are you going tae stay this time?" I ask once the girl has disappeared up the dark staircase.

"About a month." Hiro explains. "According to M—, I can stay that long away from work."

"I'm glad." I hug him. "You dinnae tell me you were coming over."

"I wanted to surprise you." He returns the hug.

"Well, you managed tae do tha' alright." I smile.

He kisses me. I can barely believe this is happening. I've missed him, yes, but I had no' expected tae have him stay at my place again. I return the kiss, ignoring everything else.

"Ehm..." Someone interrupts. I look at the figure standing at the other end of the corridor. Lugh is crossing his arms over his chest, and looks disapprovingly at Hiro. "Who's this, Seileach?"

"Right!" I finally close the door. "Hiro, this is Lugh, he is a friend of mine. Lugh, this is Hiro, he is my boyfriend."

"Her boyfriend." He says at the same time as I do. "Nice to meet you, Lugh."

"I dinnae ken you had a boyfriend, Seileach." Lugh answers, still glaring at him.

"It's sort of recent." I reply.

They glare at each other for a few uncomfortable moments. I doona know what tae do tae make them stop.

"Hey, why do you no' go upstairs, and leave your luggage. Lugh, his brother Nuada, and I are playing an RPG in the dining room. Tsuki and you could join us. We're just starting the campaign." I offer.

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