Chapter 8. I Love You

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Turns out he has a meeting on Tuesday afternoon, so we end up traveling tae Edinburgh in the morning. Even if I could go out sightseeing, I doona feel like doing so, and stay at the hotel room till he comes back. We have dinner and breakfast with his friends, somehow managing tae spending the rest of the morning together. We doona return tae the hotel till five o'clock, finding his workmates speaking in the lobby. I greet them before excusing myself and rushing tae our room. The gala starts at seven, and I should be ready by then.

Locking the door tae the bathroom, I hand the dress nearby as I prepare tae take a shower, in which I consider for the hundredth time how should I put on my make up. Simple makes elegance I remember my mother used tae say, and I start struggling with my hair afterwards. Bloody hairpins I think as I finish fixing the French twist updo I've chosen.

The dress turns out tae be the easiest part in this whole mess: pure black in colour, elastic at the back and a zipper on the side, it is held in place by two thin strands which I tie at the back of my neck. The long skirt brushes the floor even though I put on my high heeled shoes, being short has its perks.

As for jewelry, I've packed a beautiful, old, silver choker I've had for as long as I can remember, and a pair of long, silver coloured pendants, which go well with it, in my opinion.

He has already changed into his suit when I finally come out of the bathroom. How can someone like him be with me? I think as I watch him in silence.

Suddenly, he looks at me. His smile is quickly replaced by a look of astonishment, his eyes shining lightly in the dim light of the room.

"So, what do you think?" I ask, spinning around.

"That's the dress you wore to your brother's wedding." He says.

"Och, you noticed." I reply. He pulls me closer tae him, his hand trails slowly up my arm, then up my neck, and finally cupping my cheek.

"You look beautiful." He says before kissing me.

His eyes shine a lot more when we come apart. "We should get going."

"Wait." I stop him, looking for a tissue. He shoots a puzzled look at me as I hand it tae him. "Lipstick." I add, smiling.


The company appears tae have rented the inn's dining room. We stop as we step through the doorway. The tables have been moved aside, forming a large U shape, the decoration on the walls is the same as it was this morning, but the mantelpiece was changed for a vintage style one, along with beautiful, golden candelabra lying on top of the tables, located every four seats.

"Mr. K—!" An elder couple approaches us. Both in their late fifties, the man, with his grayish white hair parted neatly to the side, and a carefully trimmed moustache under the wide nose, he smiles warmly at us as he herds his wife our way, she is dressed in a simple dark blue dress, which lies comfortably around her chubby figure. "Glad tae see ye could make it, lad. Allow me tae introduce ye tae m'wife, Agatha."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. M." Hiro shakes the lady's hand, and quickly puts his arm around my waist. "This is Seileach B—, my girlfriend."

His words take me by surprise, along with the gesture. I try hiding my reaction as best as I can.

"A lovely willow tree, I see." Agatha M— smiles kindly at me. "Aye, lass. I ken the meaning tae yer name. Nice tae meet ye."

"Nice tae meet you too, madam." I return the smile. "I gather you speak the Gaelic as well?"

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