Chapter 3. Drunkards

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I wake the following morning, early enough to make breakfast for both of us. I look at myself in the vanity mirror, and wonder what he sees on me. I remember last nights embrace, and blush. The image in the mirrors returns my light-green gaze, I shake my head slowly as I look at my 1.52 mts tall, over weight body. I put on a robe over the white and mint, short nightgown, and sigh before heading downstairs.

Breakfast went pretty much the same as yesterday's did, though I think I caught him a few times looking at me, he blushed lightly every time he saw I had noticed. It's after he's gone off to Edinburgh when I get enough time to put my thoughts in order. I go to my room, with the intention of getting dressed, but I remember the warmth of his touch last night, and the softness of his lips upon my skin. I close the door as well as my eyes, and picture him touching me all over.

I open my eyes with a start and shake my head quickly. I canna allow myself to think about this, no' now. I dress up, and set out to town, the thirty minute walk does wonders for my troubled mind. A quick trip to get groceries and I'm back home.


I wake up early the next day, and unlike yesterday, I go to my parents' study, a place I haven't been in since their demise. The furniture is covered with dust, and their bulky shadows show me where I should avoid them. I cross the room and pull back the thick curtains, filling the study with sunlight, before approaching the piano. I never did finish my lessons, but Mum considered my playing tolerable; I smile sadly at the thought that she won't ever hear me play anything again, and I begin playing a melody I heard on the Internet once, as it resonates with my feelings.

One melody becomes two, and then a third one, and before I notice, I'm singing aloud with the music, songs of unrequited love I have always found appealing, in almost every language I know.

"Who is he?" I turn around, startled. Hiro stands in front of me, blocking the doorway, I canna seem to find another escape route, so I turn back towards the piano and start playing the first melody again.

"Who?" I answer.

"Your inspiration."

"Does it matter?" I ask, for a few moments we keep quiet, I hear his steps moving closer.

"You were singing, Willow."

"I sing often"

"With such feeling?" He asks, standing on the other side of the piano.

"I can sing however I want, canna?" I put my hair behind my ear, looking at him. The song in question is my own version of one called Out of my League, which is originally sung by a man and speaks of a woman.

"You might be right." He sighs, "can you tell me who were you singing about?"

"I think I've answered this question already"

"You're evading it, that's different."

"Doona you have somewhere to be today?" I might sound rude, but I doona think he has the need to know everything about my life.

"No." He sits on a nearby chair. "Mind if I keep you company?"

"I won't stop you" I look down at the keys, trying to keep myself calm under his unmoving gaze.

"What did my sister tell you the other day?" He asks suddenly. I press a wrong key, but manage to keep it under control.

"She wanted to know if you were fine staying here." I lie. Well, I know it's not exactly a lie, but it feels like it.

"Really?" The look he gives me says he thinks it's a lie too "you were too upset for it to be something as simple as that."

"Did it sound like it?" He nods. "I assure you, it's nothing to worry about"

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