Final Chapter. Mata Aimashou

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There was a time when I thought I could never be happy. The past few days since we returned from Edinburgh have proved me wrong. But this morning, I've woken up tae remember how fleeting it all is.

Aye. Today is the day. Today he is going back tae his home country. And I've made up my mind, I'll go see him off at the airport. It's funny how easily I got used tae having him around. Me, who has stayed single for so many years. I sort of wish Mum could see me now, she'd probably laugh at me and say: "I told you so".

Problem is, I canna quite get rid of these thoughts. Every single moment that passes by reminds me of the inevitability of his departure. Curses, I look at him, and can tell he's thinking about it as well! I think tha' exactly wha' is making us awkward today.

"Should we go out, Seileach?" He asks after the both of us have spent most of the morning doing nothing.

"Sure." I smile my most sincere smile at him. "Let me just get ready."

My definition of getting ready consists on brushing my hair, so it does no' take me long tae return tae the entrance.

But it's no' till I see him standing there, waiting at the doorway, when the whole matter weighs upon me. I hug him without thinking, hiding the tears tha' have already begun flowing from my eyes.

"I wish you dinnae have tae go." I tell him, my voice barely more than a whisper."I doona want you tae go."

"I wish I didn't have to go either." I hear him say as he wraps his arms around me. He then lifts my chin, making me look into his green eyes. "But hey." He smiles. "Let's enjoy what little time we've got left."

"Aye." I answer before kissing him.

It's a good day, considering the circumstances. The sky is overcast, but no' particularly cold.we spend the few hours before his departure looking around, and having wha' might be our last date.

Thus, we finally arrive at the airport. I canna help but look at him as he check in for the flight, and the thought tha' he might never come back starts tae sip away at the bit of cheerfulness I've gained through the past few hours.

I can tell he knows wha' I'm thinking about when he returns.

"I wish you could come with me." He says taking my hand.

"I'll miss you a lot, you know?" I hug him regardless of who might be watching.

"I'll miss you too." He returns the hug. Suddenly, he takes my hands in his. "I need you to promise me something." He says. "Please call." I look at him. "It doesn't matter what time it is, if you need something or you just want to talk. Let's promise we'll call each other often. Alright, Seileach?"

"Aye." I smile at him. "Let's do tha'"

They call for his flight as we are kissing good-bye.

"I'll miss you, Seileach." He hugs me briefly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Hiro." I answer.

He smiles at me, and kisses my forehead briefly before rushing away, taking my heart with him.


It has been a week or so since he returned tae his homeland, and I still canna muster up the courage tae pick up the phone and call. I know he said no' tae worry about the time, but wha' if I bother him at his job, or wake him in the middle of the night?

I keep wondering about this as I sit at home watching someone play a videogame on YouTube while eyeing the phone more often than no'. I must have written about a hundred letters already, but I canna go post them.

Suddenly, the phone rings, and I hurry tae answer almost knocking down a glass in the process.


"Willow?" A woman asks me, the voice is familiar, I know it must be Tsuki.

"It's been a while, Tsuki."

"Don't it's-been-a-while me!" She replies. "What have you done to Nii-chan?"

"Wha' do you mean...?"

"Don't make me repeat myself, Willow."

"Did something happen tae him?" I feel my heart tightening.

"He's acting weird!"The girl says. "He's spacing out, barely speaking. He doesn't ever go out anymore!"

"Has he told you anything...?"

"He says he's fine. Tha's the problem!" Tsuki adds. "And it all started when he returned from Scotland. So, Willow. What. Did You Do. To Nii-chan."

"I dinnae do anything."

"But you must have!" She continues. "M—chan says he barely left your side!"


"Tell me! What happened when...!"

She is suddenly interrupted. I can hear her speak tae someone, but the sound comes muffled so I canna quite understand what they're saying or who she is speaking tae. It takes a long while for them to finish their argument.

"Hi, Seileach." It's him. Bleeding Hell, it's him on the other side of the line. I can feel my heart beating faster. "Seileach, are you there?"

"Aye, I'm here!" My voice comes out a lot louder than I expected. "How are you, Hiro?"

"Could be better, apparently." I can tell he's smiling.

"So I've heard." I canna help but smile as well.

"How about you?"

Thoughts race through my mind. I'm fine. I miss you. I've been feeling terrible. I need you.

"I'm fine, I guess." I manage tae say.

"I'm glad to hear that." He sighs. "Sorry you had to deal with that."

"With wha'? Your sister?" I smile. "It's fine. I doona mind it, Tsuki cares for you after all."

"I know." He is smiling again. "So... I guess I wasn't the only one wondering when to call?"

"You weren't" I admit. "In fact I was thinking about it right now."

"Should have figured." He laughs.

"So, we'll call every once in awhile, I guess?"

"I think that would be best. Considering Tsuki was the one to call this time, I think it would be your turn next time."

"You might be right."

I doona know how long we have spoken on the phone, but it is dark outside when we finally hang up. I decide tae go and post my letters tomorrow. Perhaps one per day would do.


Author's Note.

Hullo, everybody! Thank you very much for reading this, my first wattpad story, and my first novel with an ending! So two reason to celebrate. Anywho, I hope you liked this one as much as I did, and please keep tuned, I've got a little something prepared for you who want more of this story. 

Now, after that's over, I won't be doing a sequel. No sequel for this one! However, I have an idea for another story in which both Seileach and Hiro will appear. 

So thank you very much for reading, and please wait for the surprise on this story; though you could start guessing alright, it's not that difficult to figure it out.

That's all on my part. See you next time!


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