Recovery And Realization

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( Indy POV )

Filled with anger, I stomped through the forest. I clenched my jaws. Why didn't I kill them?!?! Those fools. Each day and night, hearing their happy sounds was not fun. I walked to a clearing. But soon, they were going to pay. ROAR!

( Rexy POV )

As I stepped out of the cracked cave, I looked around. The burnt fields and dinosaurs was not a pleasant sight. Gamma sighed. Sometimes you can't get what you desire. I sighed too. Then, Spiny stepped forward and pointed to Indy stomping towards us.

( Blue POV )

Is the impact over? I asked Chris. Yes. I kissed Eon and cheered. So now we can play Monopoly! I rolled my golden eyes. Chris, Blueberry doesn't admire Monopoly. Blueberry gave a slight nod. Then she chirped.

( Mella POV )

Stella was fending of Indy while I and the others were talking. We were recovering from an almost doomsday scenario. And we realized something. But I'm not going to tell you. It's actually tearful. 

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