Winter Disaster!

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( Stella POV )

It was a snowy day where me and Rexy were building a snow - man while Spiny was writing about Dilo Acid. Suddenly, my baby sister, Mella, came and said that our cave had been flooded with snow and Mom was missing. OH NO! Me and Rexy screamed. Let's make a solution, Mella said. Me and Spiny will find out where Mom is, meanwhile, Stella and Rexy will help things smooth down in the cave. Deal? Deal! We all stood near our pairs and split up.

( Mella POV )

Ok, I said. The trail ends here. Then I tasted the last two footprints. Hey, the last two footprints don't taste like Mom. They taste like... A mix of Rexy, Raptor, and more Raptor. So... the... killer must be... Indoraptor... HE'S JUST A LEGEND! Spiny screamed. And that means he's not real! Whatever, I'm going to tell the others. I started walking to the cave but Spiny was outraged. She blocked me. UH OH! I said seeing the killer. What-Spiny paused seeing the killer. She turned her head back to me. Sorry for doubting. She bit of the killer's arm.

( Rexy POV )

Could you push harder? I asked Stella. Sure... Stella stammered. Just then, Mella came and explained everything. So she's dead? Stella said dimly. And Spiny's in undefinable danger? I asked. Yes. The only thing we could do now is HELP SPINY AND FAST! We ran to the destination where Spiny was scarred badly. I bit the Indoraptor but it made a comeback. Then it slashed me with it's razor-sharp claws. I was scarred so badly I couldn't move a muscle, but, Stella and Mella then helped me with their Acid Spit. SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! SPLAT! 

( Spiny POV )

I had to wake up and help my gang, but I couldn't move. ARGH! Just then, I saw a vision of a comet hurtling towards the Earth. When the vision ended, I could finally move! I stood up and clashed with the Indoraptor with Rexy on my side. I slashed his cheek, Rexy bit his tail and I stood on top of his dead body after a hour or Two. NICELY DONE, Sherlock. 

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