A Lost Dilo

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( Rexy POV )

I was sleeping with peacefully with Spiny. It was a dark night, a BIG hurricane was about to come so I was on FULL guard. Anyhow, I was just relaxing when I heard a Dilophosaurus distress call. I thought it was serious, so I followed the sound while dragging Spiny with me inside a stone carriage. Soon, I reached the Dilo. She told that her name was Stella and she was seperated from her home, The Perilous Plains. A Carno Pair chased she and her family in different directions. Her father was eaten, but her mother survived and hid in a cave near a stream and a flower cluster. It's ok, miss, I said. I'll help you. 

( Stella POV )

Really? You would do that for me? I asked Rexy. Yes, Rexy said. You can rest inside the carriage while telling the directions. Thank you- But remember, don't wake up the Spino inside! OK? O - ok? I said. I walked into the carriage and lied down while I said the directions. At first, it went out SMOOTHLY, but 5 Minutes Later, Rexy faced one of the Carno's. Killer! I yelled. I emerged out of the carriage and my frills exposed with the horror exposing with it. SPLAT! I spat acid out of my mouth and the Carno died. Whoa, magical, Rexy said collecting a sample of the Medium Green colored acid.

( Rexy POV )

We continued the ride when it got really windy. HURRICANE! Stella screamed. Spiny was okay because she was in the safety deck, but Stella suddenly started floating around. Then she floated outside and THANK GOODNESS she gripped intensely tight on the carriage. Continue the ride! She yelled over the noisy mayhem. I'll be... FINE! So I did as she said. When the hurricane ended, I saw her scar-less and hugged her. Hey, Stella said, her eyes wide. Is that my mother?

( Nobody POV )

Rexy gave Stella to Stella's Mother, Steel. She thanked Rexy and promised some day, they'll meet again. So Rexy said goodbye and walked away. Hey, said Spiny. She was awake. Hey, said Rexy. She grinned. Hide and Seek Time, Lazy? Sure. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... READY OR NOT, HERE I COME! 

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