𝓂𝓇. 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝒾𝒸𝓂𝒶𝓃🔗

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???:Kenz, wake up
I opened my eyes to see a smiley Annie shaking me awake
Kenzie:Ok, I'm up
I sit up and rub my eyes
Annie:This outfit is cute right?
Annie has her hair down and wavy and was wearing a magenta floral dress that went down to above her knees and paired it with black doc martens
Kenzie:I love it, it's cute
Annie:Thanks. Now I'm gonna dress you
Annie:Don't you wanna impress Johnny?
I turn to her
Annie:Don't you like him?
I cover her mouth with my hand
I move my hand
Kenzie:I kinda do...but you cannot tell anyone
Annie:You can trust me, Kenz. I'm your...guardian angel *whispers*
She winks at me and goes to my closet
Kenzie:Please pick something I would wear. And don't pull out a dress
She throws a black flannel, a white tank top, black belt, and mom jeans on my bed
I grab the outfit she picked for me and go to the bathroom. I change and walk out
Kenzie:You have taste
Annie:Thanks. Now hair
She plugged in the straightener and started straightening my hair for me while I did my natural makeup
I then grabbed my pair of airforces and we grabbed our suitcases and walked downstairs
Melissa:There you girls are. Now let's go
We all got in the car as mom drove us to the Orlando residence.

Mom pulled up through their driveway and parked the car.
Melissa:Let's go
We grabbed our stuff and walked up to the front door
Mom knocked and Mer opened the door and smiled
Mer:Hi girls! Come on in
We all walked in and mom hugged Mer
Mer:I'm go glad their staying with us
Melissa:Thank you for this. You were the first person I thought of to watch these girls for me
Mer:No problem
Dale and Lauren then walk over to the group of us at the front door
Lauren:Hey guys!
Lauren hugs Annie, Maddie and I
Kenzie:Hi, Lolo
Dale:I guess John and I will be more outnumbered now
Mom laughs along with Mer, Maddie and Annie. I kinda just went along with it. Not wanting to blush at the mention of his name
Melissa:Well, I better get to the airport. You girls have fun here, ok
Maddie:We'll be fine mom
Melissa:Good. See you guys
Mom leaves and Mer smiles at all of us
Mer:Now, we're gonna have to figure out where these girls will sleep
Lauren:They can stay in my room
Mer:You can't have that many people in there with you. Maddie you will stay with Darian in her room. I'm sure she won't mind. I mean she knows you girls are staying here. Kenzie and...
Annie:I'm Annie. It's such a pleasure meeting your acquaintances
She shakes Mer's hand and Dale's
They just nod
Lauren:She was homeschooled in California
Dale:Ah, that explains it
He then goes to his study
Mer:Well, Kenzie and Annie, you girls can stay in Lauren's room
Darian then comes downstairs
Darian:Hey, oh! You guys are here
Mer:Yes they are, and Maddie is staying in your room with you
Darian:Ok, follow me then
Darian leads Maddie upstairs
Mer:I'm gonna go start breakfast, I bet you girls haven't eaten yet
Mer goes into the kitchen
Lauren:Come with me

Lauren leads us to her room
She opens the door, and we walk in. But I've already been here thousands of times for sleepovers, so I know this house like the back of my hand
Lauren:Sorry you couldn't get a room to yourselves. Maddie moved out a few months ago and her room got turned into a mini gym. So enjoy casa-de Lauren instead
We set our suitcases down on the floor
Lauren:Where do you guys wanna sleep? Couch or my bed?
Annie:It doesn't matter to me. Kenz, you choose
Kenzie:I guess...I'll take the couch
Lauren:Then your with me Annie
Annie smiles at Lauren then hugs her
Lauren:Okay, sure
Annie let's go of her
Annie:Sorry. I just like hugs
Lauren:It's okay. I guess I'll let you guys get situated, and I'll go grab some more blankets and pillows
Lauren leaves and shuts the door behind her
Annie:This house is incredible
Kenzie:Yeah, I know
Annie:Have you stayed here before?
Kenzie:Oh course. Maddie and I use to hang here all the time. And have sleepovers with Lauren and her sisters.
Annie:That sounds so fun. I never have sleepovers in Wishful View
Annie:I know, it sounds sad. I mean I always heard about a sleepover, but never been to one
Kenzie:Well, now you get one
She smiles as Lauren comes in with a pile of blankets and pillows
Lauren:Got it
We grab the stuff from her and I set a couple of pillows on the couch along with a couple of blankets.

Angel Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang