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//Sorry...the beginning of this chapter starts the same as the last one.\\

~Kenzie's POV🌹~
???:Kenz, come on. Wake up
I slowly open my eyes to see John peering over me. He then smiled at me once he saw me open my eyes.
Johnny:I thought you'd never wake up
Kenzie:What are you doing in here?
Johnny:I came to wake you up so we can start
Kenzie:Start what?
Johnny:You've got to be joking
Johnny:We gotta start that song
Kenzie:That wasn't a dream?
Johnny:No...no it wasn't
I sit up and see that Annie and Lauren were still asleep
Kenzie:What time is it?
John pulls out his phone
He looks at me then I cover my mouth
Johnny:Come on
He stands up and I follow him out of Lauren's room and into his. He closed the door behind me as I sit on the edge of his bed. He sits at his desk. He had a little recording booth and sound system set up on one side of his desk and the other side with his monitors
Kenzie:This is some set up
Kenzie:So, Musicman. Teach me
He turns his chair towards me
Johnny:What do you wanna start with?
Kenzie:What do you usually start with?
Johnny:The song writing process
Kenzie:Ooh, he's also a songwriter
John smiles and pulls out a book with brown leather covering and moves his chair over to me
Johnny:This book right here, is filled with songs, lyrics, and ideas
Kenzie:It looks like a diary
Johnny:It's not a diary, Kenz
Kenzie:But it seriously looks like one
Johnny:But it's not
Kenzie:I mean you write personal stuff in there. And that's what diaries are for
Johnny:Ok, fine. It's a diary
I smile at him and he rolls his eyes
Johnny:The start of making a song is usually lyrics. Not all of them, but at least one sentence at minimum. Then it goes into the melody of the song. He rolls back over to his desk and fiddles around with the controls on the sound board. He just kept rambling about music stuff, but I just stared at him. I studied him carefully like he did with the stars last night.
He turns his chair back towards me.
Johnny:Got that?
Johnny:Were you even paying attention?
He rolls his chair closer to me
Johnny:What was so important in that brain of yours?
Kenzie:Can you just sing for me?
Johnny:You want me to sing?
Kenzie:Yeah, I mean it's not like I haven't heard you sing before
He gets up and grabs his guitar that was in the corner of the room and sits back down.
Johnny:What do you want me to sing?
Kenzie:Hmm...are any of your songs any good?
Johnny:I'd say so
Kenzie:Then one of yours
He smiles at me then starts strumming. He starts singing and it was so incredible.

I've heard him sing thousands of times, but it was never like this. This time it felt different. It felt like he was singing those words to me and only me. Giving me butterflies.
Obviously he doesn't feel the same as I do, but sometimes I imagine that he does. I can imagine hundreds of scenarios where he would confess his love for me. Times where he would hold me and never let me go. Times where he would tell me I'm the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. That he would never let anything happen between us; and sitting here hearing him sing about not being good enough to love someone. Which kind of breaks my heart. Makes me question everything that I have been through. I just kept processing the fact that Isaak does not make me happy. That he drags me down and makes me feel like a slave. Like his object.
But when I'm with John. I feel like I can be myself without being asked to "come closer" so I could get touched by someone who makes me feel awful.
I feel I can be a goofy hot mess around him and not feel obligated to look "hot" all the time.
He makes me feel like me.

He finished the last strum on his guitar
Johnny:Any good?
He smiles at me
Johnny:Thank you
He places his guitar on his bed
Johnny:You don't wanna make a song?
Kenzie:Can we make one together?
Johnny:We could
Kenzie:Cause I want to
Johnny:I'm down
I got up from his bed, when I tripped on a dog toy and fell right on John's lap. He wraps his arms around my waist to make sure I didn't fall off of him.
Johnny:You good?
Kenzie:Yeah, I think I'm fine
He moves his arms and I get up off of him. But when I stood up, my ankle hurt so much. So I sat back down on him.
Johnny:What? Is it your ankle?
Kenzie:It feels like it's on fire
John picks me up and places me on his bed
I stretch out my ankle, which hurt like hell
Johnny:You stay here, I'll be right back
He leaves his room and I'm just trying to process what just happened.
I fell into his lap and he picked me up and put me on his bed. This is weird.
He comes back in with a wet cloth and places it on my ankle
But he doesn't move his hand. It stays on my ankle and I can feel the butterflies again
Johnny:Sorry, Kenz. Benny was in here yesterday and bothering me to play with him-
Kenzie:No, it's my fault. You know, I'll should always watch where I'm going
We then hear a knock at the door
Johnny:Come in
We see Mer come in
Mer:John did- oh! Hi Kenzie, what happened?
Kenzie:I hurt my ankle
Mer:Oh, honey. How does it feel?
Kenzie:It hurts
Mer:Can you walk?
John takes the cloth off as I sit on the side of his bed. I slowly get up and try to walk, but I just sat back down
Kenzie:Yeah, I can't walk
Mer:Well, you're gonna have to stay here, Kenzie
Kenzie:What? What do you mean stay here?
Mer:You can't walk. You're gonna have to stay with John in here. Let me go get breakfast together.
She leaves and I sit back at the side of his bed
Johnny:What are you doing?
Kenzie:Trying to walk
I stand up, but then sat back down
Kenzie:Stupid ankle
Johnny:Here, Kenz. I'll go get you your breakfast
I stretched out my leg and he placed the cloth back on my ankle and left the room.
I see Annie come in and look at me. She gasps and rushes over to me
Annie:Kenz! Your ankle, what happened?
Kenzie:I tripped and now it hurts. Can you detect what happened to it?
Annie:Oh course
She rubs my ankle, then gasps again
Annie:It's fractured
Annie:Oh, Kenz. I'm so sorry
Kenzie:What do I do? I'm suppose to stay here
Annie:What, actually? In his room with him?
Kenzie:That's what Mer said
Annie squeals
Annie:You get to stay with him. This is so cute
Kenzie:Just please go before he comes
Kenzie:He's bringing me my breakfast
Annie:Okay, I'll go. I was going to say that I hope it heals quick, but now I don't
Kenzie:Why? So I can stay in here longer?
She nods and smiles
I leaves and a couple minutes later John comes in with a plate with toast and fruit
Johnny:Here you go
He places it on my lap
I start to eat my breakfast, then he comes and sits beside me and scrolls through his phone. I go through my phone and then finish my breakfast.
Kenzie:I'm done, now take my plate downstairs please
Johnny:Oh, so I'm your butler now?
Kenzie:Yep, now fluff my pillow for me
Johnny:But that's my pillow
Kenzie:Fluff my pillow
I lean forward and he fluffs it and I sink back
Kenzie:Thank you
I smile at him and he rolls his eyes as he takes my plate back downstairs.

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