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~Kenzie's POV🌹~
You know what I love about my life? My friends. The only people I can have by my side if I need them. They make me the happiest person alive.
I always have this feeling that I'm disappointing my family. They always tell me "Mackenzie do better" "You don't deserve this grade, it's a disgrace to this family."
I always have to live up to my older sister's excellence. For example, in 10th grade, she got 100% on her final. For every subject. You could say she is s super genius. Unlike me. Who got a 58%. Lets just say my mom wasn't pleased.

Now it's the first day of school. It's my sophomore year, and I hate school so much. The whole atmosphere feels fake to me. It has always felt that way. It's pretty boring, but it's what keeps me busy.

I woke up that morning dreading this day. Every singe first day it feels like I'm giving myself to hell. Giving my soul and mind to the devil that controls us all into making us surrender to their rules, follow the adequacy and satisfactory of teenagers sacrificing themselves. Which sounds pretty terrible, but it's how I see it. It's how I imagine the building I've been inside for 5 days a week for 10 months a year for 3 years now.

I shake off my negative thoughts and text Lauren, my best friend
Kenz:Hey Lolo!
Lolo:Hi ready for school?
Lolo:Me neither. I just want it to be summer all the time!
Kenz:Ikr! But I'm tired of Maddie rubbing her good college grades in my face
Lolo:Typical. We'll meet you at the subway station
Kenz:Sounds good. See u
I shove my phone in the back pocket of my ripped jeans and grab my backpack as I head downstairs.

Mom was just sitting on the couch reading a magazine.
Kenzie:Hey mom
I grab an apple from the fridge and head for the front door.
I stop as my hand touches the handle. Shit.
Melissa:Where are you going?
She stands in front of me
Melissa:But it's summer?
Kenzie:No, today is the first day of school. I'm in 11th grade now.
We stood there in silence. She really has no idea. But that's typical for her. Ever since I was 13, she has changed. I mean my parents split when I was really young, but she has changed completely. She isn't the same mother I knew when I was 12. She has become pretty hard on me. Pushing me to be the best and only the best. Which I kind of understand because she was always telling my older sister to be the best. But it came naturally for her.
Maddie is graduated now and is applying for collages. Mom already has 14 different schools picked out for her, which I expected since she is obsessed with getting her way and only hers. Not listening to anyone but herself.
I let out a small sigh and turn my gaze back to her
Kenzie:See you later
Melissa:Well...have fun
Kenzie:I'll try
Once I stepped outside and closed the door behind me I sighed.
Yeah, I won't. I headed down the front steps and walked towards the subway station.

When I got there, I was instantly hit with the scent of body odor, smoke, and this weird metal smell I can't understand what it really is. I met up with my friends and ran up to Lauren to give her a hug
???:You guys do realize you have been hanging out all summer...right?
Lauren and I pull apart and I look into those deep green eyes that belong to Lauren's older brother Johnny.
Kenzie:Y-ya...it's just-
Lauren:What girls do John. Get use to it
He rolls his eyes as the subway pulls up.
The whole ride to school Lauren and I talked. It was about random stuff, but I always enjoy these conversations. The long unpredictable ones.

We walk into school then Hayden comes up to us as we're walking in.
Johnny:Hey bro! What's up?
Hayden:Nothing much. How bout you?
Johnny:Just having to ride the subway with these two again everyday
Kenzie:Hey! We're not that bad
Johnny:Really? All you guys talked about were girly things. And you didn't include me. I was just sitting there
Lauren:Aww! John wants to be included in our girly talks?!
Johnny:I did not say that!
Johnny glares at Hayden

Lauren and I find our lockers and their beside each other! Which I am over the moon happy about. While I look across the hall from us at Johnny. Who has a locker along with Hayden. That's when Isaak came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I turn around quickly and he smirked at me
Isaak:Hey Kenz
Kenzie:Hey, also you know we're off...right?
Kenzie:You told me for the entire summer
Isaak:But it's the first day of school...so can we be on?
I look at Lauren who is sort of shaking her head. I turn back to Isaak then the bell rang
Kenzie:I'll think about it
Isaak:What?! Why do you need to think about it?
Lauren and I laugh then head for our homerooms. Lauren is in the grade below me, so we aren't in the same class. But I wish.

When it comes to Isaak, he is a wildcard. You never know what he has up his sleeve. I have been dating him on and off for the past year now, and he is...good to me. But he always tells me "I think we should take a break" or "can we just take the summer off?"
Those statements always get old. But I just don't understand why I always go back. Every time. But is he the one I really want? Or is he just getting in the way of something?

Those thoughts run through my mind then Lauren interrupts the running.
Lauren:See you at lunch?
Kenzie:Of course
I hug her and we head or separate ways.
I walk into class and see Nadia and Deven sitting towards the side of the class. I walk over to them and they bring me into their arms
Nadia:Hi, Kenz
Deven:Hey, girl
I sit down beside Deven and set my backpack on the floor.
Deven:Did you hear we're getting a dance at the end of the month?
Nadia:Where did you hear that?
Deven:A rumour spreads fast
Deven:They haven't announced it yet, but they are calling it "the back-to-school dance." Which is pretty lame. But I'm excited for it. Maybe I can ask the principal if I can DJ it
Kenzie:Yes, you would be perfect for that
Nadia:I agree
Deven:So, Nadia...how are you and Aiden?
Nadia turns to her and raises an eyebrow at her
Kenzie:Who's Aiden?
Deven:You wanna tell her or me?
Nadia rolls her eyes
Nadia:I'll tell her
Deven smiles and rests her chin in her hands
Nadia:I met him at Central Park a month ago
Kenzie:Nads, are you guys together?
Nadia:No, but I kinda like him...but I don't know. It's stupid
Deven:It's definitely not stupid. You guys are perfect for each other
Nadia:You think so?
Kenzie and Deven:Duh
Kenzie:Do you know if he likes you back?
Nadia:Maybe...I mean I am pretty sure he tried holding my hand a couple times
Nadia:It's no big deal
Deven:It's a pretty big deal
Kenzie:Well, it sounds like he likes you
Nadia just smiles to herself. They sound perfect for each other.
The bell rang and some students pilled into class. That's when I felt somebody sit behind me. I turned and saw John sitting there.
Kenzie:Uh, hi
I turned back to face the front feelings butterflies. I don't know why. The teacher wrote the lesson on the board.
Here we go with another year of stress, frustration and sleepless night.

//Hi! Welcome to the universe of Angel. I'm so excited for you to read this one. I've had it finished in my notes for the past year, I hope you love it as much as I do. ~A♡ \\

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