Chapter 7: Committed Mission

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*Time later*

-Hwiyoung's POV-

Taeyang didn't leave when I told him to some minutes ago. He wanted to stay and give me some company after what happened with my father. So, we cuddled together on my bed while we were trying to figure out what to do while I'm still inside this house. Taeyang convinced me at last; he got his idea through me. My partner wants me to get out of here as soon as possible. And I couldn't agree with it at first. But now, I understand why Taeyang required me to get away from this house and my father. I guess I always knew the reason, but I never agreed on leaving because I wanted to discover what other things my father hides from me.

Throughout the time, I thought about my relationship with Taeyang. Well, I'm not sure if it's official, which notes the meaning behind my deep thoughts about the subject. I started to fall in love with Taeyang before our last comeback began, and ever since, I have tried to hide it from everybody. Of course, all of our friends know about it, but I wanted to keep it away before I understood my feelings completely. So, I attempted to discuss the situation during our time alone, but I couldn't find the courage to bring it up.

*Current time – Mansion*

Taeyang is still lying down beside me. I'm embracing him tightly while closing my eyes while feeling Taeyang's fingers stroking my hair gently. I can't hear any sound downstairs, which made me believe that I was alone with Taeyang. However, I still had my concerns; after all, it never gets so quiet as now.

-Taeyang, do you think that my father is still down there? – I asked worriedly.

-I don't know, I haven't heard anything for the last minutes. – Taeyang spoke before looking at me. -Why are you asking, though? – He questioned.

-I want to go to the treehouse, but I'm not sure if it's safe to go there. – I admitted before glancing back at Taeyang. -Hmm, hyung, can we talk about something? – I suddenly asked, moving my hands nervously as I sat down on the bed.

-What do you want to talk about, Hwiyoung? – Taeyang asked, intrigued.

-I want to know what do I mean to you. We are closer than we used to, and I still don't know if it's something I should be excited about, Tae. – I revealed as I tried to look composed, not wanting to let Taeyang see that I feel awkward while talking about these things.

-I thought I was clear enough with you, but I guess you want it to be more precise. Don't you? – Taeyang spoke, a slight smile on his face while looking at me, eye to eye. He suddenly held my hands and kissed my cheek. -Do you want to be my boyfriend? – Taeyang asked, making me blush within seconds.

-Oh, wow! I didn't expect you would answer this way. – I chuckled slightly, looking away from Taeyang shyly.

He laughed. -Sorry, I thought that's what you meant.

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