Chapter 16: Not Mine

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*Moments later*

-Hwiyoung's POV-

I let Taeyang have some time alone since I thought it was the right thing to do. After everything that has happened in this timeline, nothing compares to this. Just like Taeyang, I needed some moments with myself due to my mixed emotions about the situation. There's no other way to put it. Today's events make me feel weird, upset, and confused. I imagined that at some point, it could happen, but I didn't see it coming this soon. Taeyang was mine back home. But in here, it seems that he wasn't for me. It's disturbing to see someone hurt the person you love the most, and I wish I could console him as I usually would do; however, I need to respect the role I play in this timeline, and unfortunately, I'm only Taeyang's friend and future collaborator.

The time I spent by myself, I used it to text Inseong-hyung and discuss our close encounter during the drama recording. After that, I decided to space out while painting anything on a blank canvas. I guided the strokes with the memories coming inside my head; I remembered the studio, the stages, my fans, and my friends. Everything that I missed popped into my mind, making me paint an empty frame with microphones and the musical instruments on the back. Times like this make me feel nostalgic and wonder if I did the right thing by staying here.

Later in the day, the staff brought Taeyang's luggage for tomorrow's flight and some clothes for him to change and stay the night. I thanked our team for understanding Taeyang's condition, and after exchanging some words, the staff left. I placed the baggage on the entrance and left Taeyang's clothes inside the guests' room, not wanting to disturb him with the small matters that Youngbin-hyung set up for tonight.

Right now, I'm washing the materials I used for the painting, and in a blink, the day turned into night. I gave Taeyang more time than expected, but I'm glad that at least he could rest his mind and think about tomorrow's trip.

I haven't heard anything from him. Maybe I should check.

I placed the tools aside, letting them dry on the counter. Then, I got out of the kitchen and walked towards the guests' room. As soon as I stood in front of the door, I knocked on it a few times, but there was no reply. Carefully, I opened the door and entered the room, making me notice that Taeyang is asleep with the screenplay next to him. I slightly smiled at how he slept and then got closer to place the script on the bedside table, shortly sitting beside him.

-Taeyang. – I softly spoke, attempting to wake him up. -Wake up. – I continued to say while patting his arm.

Briefly, Taeyang turned around and looked at me with sleepy and swollen eyes. -Hwiyoung. Did I fall asleep? – Taeyang asked while rubbing his cheek gently.

-You did, and were you reading the script? – I asked while holding the screenplay in my hands.

-Oh, yes. I wanted to practice some of my lines. – Taeyang spoke, looking gloomy.

-I need to keep up with you; I spend this time painting instead of rehearsing. – I admitted before giving Taeyang the screenplay.

-Do you want to try one of the scenes? – Taeyang asked.

-Sure. – I nodded before I sat closer to Taeyang, both of us looking at the script.

-What part do you remember the most? – Taeyang questioned while reviewing the pages.

-The last scene that I read this noon. It is page sixty-seven. – I said, making Taeyang search for it in the screenplay. Briefly, he found it and noticed the scene I mentioned.

-Isn't this the part when we get mad at each other? – Taeyang asked.

-Yes, sorry about that. – I slightly chuckled.

-Jerk, you asked me to support the enemy. – Taeyang scoffed, causing me to smile wider.

-Hey! I only tried to protect your character. – I claimed, causing Taeyang to grin back at me. -Anyway, do you want to start? – I asked.

-I guess I could begin with this matter. – Taeyang said before placing the screenplay where both of us can see it. -Rang Dongsun, you told me to return to the valley that night. And you assured me that we would meet in the morning, but you never came. – Taeyang spoke, starting to act his lines.

-Ye Minjun, be honest, what are you trying to get out with this confrontation? – I answered, my tone changing to an arrogant one.

-Alright, I'll be straightforward. Why did you ask me to wait for you at the valley? What did you think? That I wouldn't find out about the clan's assault towards you? – Taeyang questioned while sternly looking at me.

-I did for you. I couldn't let you get hurt by the mistakes I have made. You might be my confidant, but that doesn't mean that I'll let you die because of me. – I claimed, upset.

-Why not? I can die for anyone I want, and you don't have to take control over my decisions. – Taeyang firmly said.

-I want you to stay out of trouble; is that too much for you? – I annoyedly questioned.

-Yes! It is hard to keep myself away from all chaos when I'm with you. But I rather die while protecting you than letting you die alone. – Taeyang angrily said.

I held Taeyang's shoulders as the script says and then continued with the scene. -Listen to yourself, Dongsun. Where are the principles The Rang family taught you? Huh? – I worriedly asked.

-When it comes to your wellbeing, I forget about everything I know only to protect you. I already saw you go once, and I won't repeat the same mistake twice. – Taeyang said, some tears appearing in his eyes.

I got apart from Taeyang, not knowing if he's acting or the emotions from the current problem got the best of him. So, I stood in silence before patting Taeyang's head.

-You did well. – I said, breaking character as I noticed that Taeyang's tears aren't fake.

-I shouldn't cry in this scene, but I couldn't keep my tears away. – Taeyang stuttered before I held his shoulder.

-I know it hurts, and honestly, I wish I could do something for you. – I admitted before sighing, then placing the screenplay back on the bedside table.

-Taeyang, take a shower, go to sleep and get ready for tomorrow. At Daegu, we'll have time to practice more, and the rest of the crew will be there to help out. – I told Taeyang, attempting to cheer him up.

-Alright. I promise I'll get better for tomorrow. And thank you for not differing with Mr. Kim's decision. I'm grateful that after all this time, you still trust me like a friend. – Taeyang sincerely said, making me smile at him.

-Of course, once you are my friend, you are always welcome in my home. – I said before standing up from the bed, then walking towards the door.

-Hwiyoung! – Taeyang called my name.

-Yes? – I turned around to look at Taeyang.

-Let's practice tomorrow the same scene; I felt you got very inspired while reading the lines. – Taeyang told me, a subtle smile appearing on his face.

I nodded at Taeyang's words, glad that he wants to move forward. And then, I opened the door and got out of the room.

Now, it seems that I have to help this Taeyang, even though he isn't mine in this timeline.

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