Chapter 2

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*First Day Of School*

         The young girl named Amber woke up on the bright sunny day. As soon as her eyes opened, she jumped up from her lavender sheets and squealed. Today, she gets to go to school and after that, she's going to the eye doctor to pick up her new glasses. Nothing in the world could compare to her excitement.

        Amber's mom came into Amber's room, still sleepy.  "Amber. It's time to take a bath," she announced.

       Amber smiled, revealing her missing front tooth. She happily ran to the bathroom to get ready.

*Time skip*

         After all of the hair pulling, Amber finally had her red hair in a nice ponytail. She wore blue jeans and a green sweater along with her black sneakers.

         "How do I look Socrates?" Amber asked her stuffed teddy bear. Her parents watched from the kitchen.

         "Amber. Go grab your backpack. We're leaving in five minutes!" her mother called out. Amber ran upstairs, bear in hand. She grabbed her blue cookie monster backpack before opening it up. She threw in a notebook, a coloring book, a pencil case, and her teddy bear. She zipped her backpack closed and put it on.

         "Amber! Hurry up! You're going to be late to your first day of school!" her mother yelled from downstairs.

         "I'm coming!" Amber replied. She ran downstairs and into the kitchen where her father was eating pancakes and her mother was drinking a cup of coffee.

         "Let's go," her mother said as she grabbed the car keys. They exited their home and drove to Amber's school. There were many crying children clinging onto their parents. You could also see a few teenagers on their skateboards, skipping class.

         "Goodbye Amber. Have a great day at school," Amber's mother said with a warm smile before leaving her in front of her classroom. Amber smiled and waved at her mother. She then ran inside the classroom.

         There were many different children there. They were standing around, laughing and playing. Amber walked up to one of the children. It was a girl with long golden hair and a pink dress.

         "Hi! I'm Amber. Do you want to be friends?" Amber asked the girl. The girl smiled and nodded.

        "My name's Jessica. I have a pet turtle. He's the color of your shirt. His name is Larry," Jessica said. Shortly after, a boy ran up to the two girls. He had short black hair and wore blue jeans, a black v-neck, and those light up Sketchers.

         "Ooh. You're wearing green. Girls can't wear green. It's a boy color. Girls wear pink!" the boy yelled loud enough for the entire class to hear.

         Jessica got angry. "Girls can wear any color they want!" she yelled at the boy.

         "No they can't!" he yelled. Jessica chased him around and kissed his cheek.

         "And boys can't have cooties!" she teased.

...and with that, a friendship was born.

A/N: In case you're wondering, yes. Even Jessica had a soul...
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Amber(Prequel to Amber Alert)Where stories live. Discover now