Chapter 14

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The squad got in the bus and drove as fast as they could.

"Hey. Look what I got for Vegas," Sage pulled out a wad of cash from her pocket.

"What the fuck!" Finley was astonished.

"Where did you get that?" Anthony asked.

"Dead prison people," Sage laughed.

"And I got this," Caja took out a pack of gum from her pocket,"from dead prison people as well."

"OOh. Can I have some gum? What flavor is it?" Shyla asked.

"Well you see. Today is April. April 20th. This is not gum," Caja grabbed the packet and her back pack before locking herself in the bathroom where she got high.

"What the fuck! That's bad for you and your brain!" Sage yelled at her.

"I'm celebrating a national holiday!" Caja yelled back.

"So when are we getting to Vegas?" Finley asked aloud.

"No questions!" Gwen yelled.

"Okay. So now we go on this bridge over here,"Jason directed. The bus slowly drove on the bridge. There weren't much cars. Then, out of nowhere, a figure started crossing the road. It was a female. Her hair was messed up and she held a bottle. She was drowning in her tears. Jason took the wheel and swerved away from the pedestrian, causing the bus to fall off the bridge and crash. Shards of glass pierced through their flesh. The bus erupted in fire. The only survivor was Amber. Amber slowly got out of the bus and escaped the scene. As she ran away, she saw that the woman was Jessica... The girl responsible for the deaths of her only friends, the only people who mad her life worth living.

Amber(Prequel to Amber Alert)Where stories live. Discover now