Chapter 4

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Basically, Amber and Jessica have been drifting apart ever since. Jessica stopped hanging out with Amber and she climbed up the social ladder. By the end of fourth grade, Amber was even made fun of by her ex-best friend. Amber's only friend was Socrates, after her cat from last year died. Friendships don't always last forever. Having a best friend forever is only a simple wish. A simple wish that Amber thought would come true. Instead of missing Jessica as a friend, Amber felt something else grow inside her soul. Hatred perhaphs? Hatred for the bullying, for leaving, for lying, and for doing nothing as Amber was bullied. Oh but this is only the beginning of Amber's torture. What lies ahead in high school is far worse. Far more painful and cruel.

Amber(Prequel to Amber Alert)Where stories live. Discover now