Chapter 5

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*First Day Of Ninth Grade*

        Amber carefully got out of bed. She was actually looking forward today. "It's not like every single person at school knows me and will already label me as the weird girl," Amber thought. She got ready for school as quickly as possible. She put on her large glasses, an orange sweater with a yellow bird on it, faded blue jeans, one purple and one blue shoe, and she let her hair loose.

         On her way to school, Amber had a small hint of confidence. She walked through the front entrance of school and recieved a few laughs and bad comments from some students.

         For first period, Amber had Math 1. As soon as she entered the classroom, she noticed she had a substitute and she was the first one in class. She decided to sit in the far corner while her substitute teacher just sat on the desk, playing on his phone.

         Amber observed as students entered the classroom. First, a few quiet students came and sat near the front. Then, some of the popular students and jocks walked in and sat in the back, near where Amber sat. Next, some weird students walked in, goofing around. They were some mixture of creepy, fun, annoying, dark, and strange. Now, the annoying loud bitches came and sat near the weird kids. The weird kids kept telling the bitches to shut up, but they continued to annoy the fuck out of everyone. Then the bell rang. After it rang a few students walked in. They were late. Amongst them was one of the weird kids. She looked like she was a drug dealer, to be honest.

         After everyone was seated, Amber ended up next to a purple haired girl. She was sitting with the weird kids. "Hey. Do you want some drugs?" the girl who came in late asked Amber. Amber looked puzzled as the girl and her friends started laughing.

        "I'm kidding," the girl told Amber. The group consisited of 5 teens.


         "Hi. I'm Finley," the girl with the short curly hair introduced herself. She wore blue jeans, converse, and a grey and white striped v-neck.

         "And I'm Stephanie," the girl with the brown puffy pony tail said. She wore blue jeans, converse, and a Dr. Who t-shirt.

         "I'm Gwen," the girl with the short dark brown hair. She wore a Kiss t-shirt, red plaid jeans, and black boots.

         "I'm Sage," the purple haired girl said. She wore a Fall Out Boy t-shirt, black jeans, hipster glasses, and converse.

         "Hey. I'm Caja. Jk. Nah. I'm Abigail," the girl who offered Amber drugs introduced herself. She wore a black hoodie, black jeans, black chuck taylors, black glasses, and what looks like tattoos on her knuckles. She had curly black hair with red tips.

         "I'm Shyla," the quiet girl with black hair said. She wore a grey sweater, black jeans, black glasses, and sneakers.

         "I'm Amber," I said awkwardly.

A/N: hehehe. Amber just made sine new friends. Btw, the weird kids r my friends and i/ the squad. I'm Caja and that's how we actually look like :)

Amber(Prequel to Amber Alert)Where stories live. Discover now