Chapter 2- Motown Papers

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                Chapter 2- Motown Papers

                Date: Saturday, January 25, 1969

                Time: 3:44PM

                KAYLA'S POV

Michael and I were walking home by ourselves. This was quite a rare occasion, seeing how there are usually a few others who band together with us on the way home. However, it gave us some time to talk and simply reflect upon our upcoming events. As usual, Michael started off the conversation as I quietly listened in the background.

"I told you, I'm gonna get me some nice Jackie Wilson-like patented leather shoes, and I'm gonna spin and dance like no one else ever has," Michael explained. He stared ahead, his eyes filled with hope and dreams. "It's gonna be amazing, Kayla. It really, really is, and you'll get to see up-close, too, 'cause you're the pianist."

"True that," I answered back. "I am the pianist and no-one else can be." I grinned mischievously.

"Were you hinting sarcasm?" He questioned. His eyes narrowed as he broke his dazed focus on the sky.

"Nah," I said, my voice very sardonic. "Not at all."

"I get the feeling that you're lying."

"Not really," I stifled, unsuccessfully hiding a giggle.

"Mmhmmmmm," he drawled. "I believe you entirely."

"Alright, alright," I caved. "I wasn't hinting sarcasm. I was just playing with you, hehe!"

"Oh," he replied, sounding almost sullen. "Okay. Well... On another note... Do you know when our next performing date is going to be?" He kicked a stone to the side.

"I think it's s'posed to be dated sometime in March. Everyone seems to be having a downtime with the chitlin' circuits and such." I added a sigh before continuing with, "I'll bet Joseph's not too happy about it."

"Ah, he's just worried about bills," Michael explained. "And the whole Motown and Steeltown thing. Mr. Keith's real mad over this change in labels. He says that he can make us stars."

I scoffed loudly. "I think he's trying a little too hard here, don't you think?"

"I don't even know... But one thing's clear: we want Motown no matter what. Motown's our goal."

"Yeah, Motown has all of the really big names in the industry, don't they? Miss Ross, the Vancouvers, Miss Knight and the Pips..."

"Hey, that reminds me," Michael started. "When we were last playing for Miss Knight, that group before us had the strangest thing going on..."

"What do you mean?"

"Their Daddy was hugging and kissing each and every one of them, and there had to be seven kids... How strange is that, having a father show affection?" Michael shook his head back and forth.

Needless to say, I didn't answer that question. Something deep inside of me was telling me that fathers should show love to their children. whether they be boy or girl. Otherwise... it seemed wrong, like the way Joseph treated us. I mean, I knew he meant well, but he ruled with an iron fist.  

Elijah and Grandma were just as much to blame in this situation. Even my parents weren't spectacular guardians or caretakers. Heck, with their constant bickering and kiss-up attitudes, it's difficult to get much of anything done.

"Mmm... Mmm..." I finally said, to keep Michael from thinking that I zoned out. 

"Mmhmm," he said slowly. "I've never seen anything quite like it. Even La Toya was telling me about how weird it was."

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