Chapter 25- Devil's Talk

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This is a sort of filler chapter, but I feel as though it is essential to the story, for the whole purpose of it ties in with this chapter. If it takes a long time to post, I apologize. I just really want to emphasize the importance of this one. Happy reading!

Chapter 25- Devil's Talk

Date: Monday, November 10, 1969

Time: 3:52PM


"We're home!"

My lips curled into a grin. "How was school today? Is Marlon there?"

"Yeah, he's here," Kayla announced. "School was alright for the most part. There was this one kid who was hounding us throughout the day for no apparent reason, though. I don't understand that."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Michael, your day?"

He sighed softly. "Yeah, it was okay. Same here, though. That kid, what's his name...? Something like Geoffrey. He was crawling under our skin at whatever chance he got, just getting as close as he could. He scared me a little."

"Why would he be doing that?" My brows furrowed deeply. "That doesn't sound very nice."

Kayla took over. "Oh, I don't think he was trying to be mean or anything. Some kids have been doing this for the past couple weeks. I dunno why, though."

Marlon interjected, "I think it's gotta do with us bein' on TV and all. It's been the same at Bancroft with me."

"What do you mean?"

He went into a short explanation, his eyes locked to the ceiling. "Oh, you know, there's this girl who keeps stalking me 'cause she thought I was cute and all."

"Ooh, someone thinks you're cute?" Kayla waggled her eyebrows dramatically.

Before I could open my mouth to say something in response, Jermaine emerged from the kitchen. With a half-eaten apple in his hand and a full mouth, he said, "Little Marlon seems to have a secret admirer, eh?" His voice broke a few times throughout the sentence.

"You're such a Big Head, ya know? The space between your ears is really somethin' else."

He chuckled. "I know."

"Katie, are you alright?" Kayla's enormous eyes stared into me, seemingly growing wider as the second passed. "You look like you've got something to say."

It was true; I did have something to address to all of the kids, even Jackie. Now that nearly everyone, save Kayla's family, was living in California and gaining some publicity, I felt as though it was only my duty to warn them about what they could be up against. Yes, Gary was a risky place to be living in, but based on what I had heard, Los Angeles had Gary's issue tenfold. None of the kids deserved to be potentially sucked into such a terrible, deadly mess, not like the other celebrities.

I was going to speak about the influence of drugs. There was no way that I was going to let any of the kids, including Johnny, get hold of or use drugs, alcohol, or any other toxic substance within our house. They needed to know the true power that such things could have over their minds and bodies, and how to avoid getting caught in the trouble. I would let the kids slide with quite a bit, but endangering their lives was not part of the deal.

"Umm, yes," I finally responded. I rubbed my fingertips, which were now moist due to anxiety, together. "Jermaine, if you could get the rest of the boys...?"

He swallowed another large apple chunk. "Sure thing," he squawked, attempting to ignore his drastic change in vocal pitch. As he perambulated into the kitchen, a vociferous "Jackie! Tito! Johnny!" echoed throughout the bottom floor of the house.

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