Author's Note From GotToBeThereMJ

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Author's Note From GotToBeThereMJ (Soon to be Music&MeMJ!)

I'm half-expecting tomatoes to be thrown at me.

It's been a flipping five months, I know. I'm a slacker, I should organize my time better, I should make promises I can keep.

I'm not good at this.

However, let me assure you, I will never make those promises again. I promise. Gah, I'm really not good at this. No promises, I may just blow the chance. Alright? Goodie. I'm not going to guarantee anything from here on. Let's just hope that I'll publish quickly. Hoping is much better than promising, especially in this scenario. A ton of unexpected events have come up this year, and promises don't do much of anything, in these cases.


Okay, now that that is over, I must get on to the next topic I'm addressing: The official end of "Book 5 - 1969". Another year with Kayla and Michael is officially over, which means a new age is dawning upon the duo. Yeah, that's right. It'll be 1970 when you hear from them next.

So many exhilarating things are going to happen that year! Just think about all the possibilities. Michael turns twelve, Kayla goes on eleven, and Marlon - oh, poor, sweet little Marlon - turns 13. Great times are ahead for all of them.

But, of course, with great times, comes great struggles. Jermaine, for example, is still adapting to himself and will continue for a few years. It won't help that he's got to get his tonsils taken out soon, but we'll get on to that whole mess later. Marlon's going on to the teenage years, which may or may not be absolutely amazing for him. Knowing that Kayla's smarter than him doesn't do a whole lot for his ego, though.

Turning eleven is a bit of a hassle for Kayla. As we already know, she can be a bit of a klutz at times, but just take her goofiness to the third power, and just see what happens. That is what 1970 holds for her. Not necessarily the greatest of gifts she could ask for, she admits.

And for Michael... He, like all the others, is adapting to the new sensation of being a star. He doesn't know how to handle all the new attention he's receiving from total strangers. He does not understand why he deserves such appreciation, such reverence, just from singing and dancing. The new publicity is overwhelming for the young boy, who is currently only eleven years of age. He feels out-of-place, he feels confused, he feels anxious and frightened - and there's no-one to talk to about it.

At least, that is what he thinks. He's always got Kayla and his brothers behind his back, though.

The details of their lives, however, will have to wait until 1970 hops aboard the story train and takes off.

On another note, you will have to tell me something. Of course, this kind of story is supposed to be some kind of fantasy/science fiction/fanfiction type of thing. However, does it seem just a wee bit unrealistic to you at times? I'm not talking about the fantasy kind of unrealistic, but the kind that makes you want to roll your eyes at times. I'm not sure, but when I read the books "1965" and "1966" in particular, I feel like it isn't worthy to be revealed to the public eye.

However, I could just be overthinking things. I dunno, it's all up to you guys.


Topic numero tres: username. I'll be changing my username in about a month. However, because I can't really go back and change each and every one of my book covers, I figured that GotToBeThereMJ and Music&MeMJ would just be interchangeable. That is, unless you don't want them to be. Hehe, that was more personal than story-related. My bad!


This is the last topic. What was your favorite and least favorite scene of "1969"? What made you feel like you were possibly in the story yourself, and what made you feel disgusted? Honestly, for me, my favorite point would probably have to be the last day of school in Gary. The moment actually felt kind of real to me, hehe! However, I didn't particularly like writing the first chapter, when Michael was coping with Rebbie's departure.

Those are just my thoughts. Heheh... heh.

That's all for now. I guess I have to close this thing up, so here goes.

I hope you all enjoyed the fifth installment of my series, and I hope to see you soon, when "1970" is published and coming to a Wattpad near you. Until next time, this is GotToBeThereMJ, wishing you a wonderful day.


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