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  • Zadedykowane All of my Wattpad Friends... You know who you are!

Welcome, fellow Wattpad friends.

I want to introduce you to the very first book in the real part of my series-- not the "prequels" or "prologues". This is now the real deal, because Kayla and Michael are now moving into the world of Motown and business. The first four books simply provide a background for this story, giving us information that will be needed as the stories progress. 

Now, before I begin anything else, I want to tell you all the reason why this series went off the way it did. I think that this is highly important to Michael, and I wanted to share my opinion with everyone else. So, without further adieu, here is the reason why I gave such an extensive background on Michael's life.

One of the first things of Michael Jackson that I learned about was his Peter Pan-like image. My Dad told me that he bought Neverland for identifying who he was, and what his message meant. As we all know, Neverland was the epitome of his message of love and staying forever young and carefree, just as a child would be.

About a year later, I was informed of his extremely rough childhood. I was told of all of the beatings he endured, the name-calling, the struggles of adolescence, and the transition from tween/teen idol to matured adult vocalist. I'm not sure what it was, but suddenly I felt an overwhelmingly strong sense that I should make this aware. My logic was, Maybe if I told people of his childhood, they would not be so rough on him. 

Within time, the feelings I had about his position only grew stronger, and answers became more clear to me. The upsetting part about this was the fact that even some Michael Jackson fans hadn't felt the need to get into the details of his childhood. Rather, they would often skip way ahead to the Bad Tour, Dangerous Era, or somewhere other than the 60s and 70s. While I do believe these time periods are just as important as his childhood, I wanted his life to be covered in as much depth as possible.

As a result, the idea for my series was born. It was perfect in my mind. I could get his point across in a way that benefitted both the writer (me) and the audience (you). Just days later, I created my Wattpad account, got some ideas out, and soon enough... I had a whole series idea in the making.

I would love to thank my audience in particular. Without you guys, this story would definitely not be what it is today. Your beautiful, heartfelt comments have given me inspiration to chapter ideas and character actions/reactions. You guys have made this story flow the way I envisioned it to be, and possibly better. Thank you all!

I hope every one of you enjoy the fifth installment in my series- 1969!


Welcome. The prologue to our journey has ended as of now, and the real adventure is about to begin. Kayla and Michael have somehow miraculously made it through 3 1/2 years of their journey. The good news is, they are still in one piece. The bad news is, they're becoming famous. Fame means much more than meets the eye, and when the pair figure it out, there is no turning back.

That's only the beginning of their problems. With the pair's spiritual bond growing stronger as the second passes, it becomes a secret they must hide from society- and the Motown studio. It will be a challenge to hide, but Heaven only knows what could happen if someone found out.

Kayla finally turns a decade old- and a decade means more responsibility. That isn't much of a problem for Kayla, who is really twice as old on the inside, but the pressure becomes weighty. Michael becomes just as much, if not more, preoccupied with his own work- and he turns eleven years old!

But as much as they may complain, there are perks to this year. Michael gets to temporarily live with an idol of his, the whole family moves to California, and the Jacksons and Wells finally get a taste of luxury. Unfortunately, this lavish life comes at a terrible cost...

Will Michael and Kayla make it past yet another year together, proving to be much more hardy than they seem? Will the peer pressure, the pain, the misfortune, and the daily mishaps of growing up become too much of a burden for them, and will they fall into ruins? Only 1969 can tell.

Book 5- 1969 (Michael Jackson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz