15. Paths

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"I'm sorry for putting you through all of this without warning you first, traveller."

"Who- who are you?!" I say in confusion while trying to shut the music out. "What are you? Where are you?" I look around myself.

"I understand that you have many questions for me, but this time, I will stick to telling you the reason you're called here" the voice says calmly and I sit up, still searching for the person talking. "I will have to bring you here for each time you'll receive something your body's naturally unknown of. It will hurt, you'll be confused, and you might have to explain however you want to the ones around you, but the procedure is needed if you're planning to go the path you're headed towards."

"The path I'm headed towards? What path? And what 'unknown' thing are you talking about? I don't understand!" I shout into the void. The music, which isn't fitting at all to the scenario, quiets down a little but is still there.

"You'll understand eventually. What's important is the choice you make" she continues. "Do you wish to keep on the trail you've left behind you, turn to another route, or follow the dimonds all the way back to where you started?"

I seek the mening of her words as she speaks, but I'm unable to find it however I twist and turn them. "I don't understand" I say quietly and keep myself on the edge of crying. I'm about to panic over what's happening, when a shadow raises itself upon me. I look up to see a silhouette of a women, but more than that is unclear.

"Do you wish to finish your goal, begin another one or give up your quest and go home?" She rephrases herself, now in a voice so soft and sweet, I feel at home in every way.

My goal... what is my goal? Normally I'd want to finish it, whatever it was. I would never give up, just like that. Head home. Act like nothing ever happened. Is that what she means?

"I can't secure that you'll never get out of here, actually I personally had the chance to leave once. The choice was mine and I chose to stay, for personal reasons. After my love passed away, I began to search for a way out but didn't find any. God had closed my path."

Gyorg... did you meet her? Is she the God you spoke about?

"I... I want to keep going. Meet new people. Finish my goal. I don't give up, that's not in my possession." I say seriously. Even though I can't see it, she smiles sweetly at me.

"Very well. I'll make sure you get back safetly. But remember, the following days will be hard for you. I wish you good luck."

Ignoring the fact that I still don't understand why I'm here, I quickly shout out to her as the light spreads around me.

"Wait! You still haven't told me who you are!"

As the last lyrics of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds fades away, the woman too disappears. Right before I'm dragged back to reality, she says the words I never want to forget.

"My name... is Lucy."

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