18. Stupid

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Covered in roots, I charge myself with as much energy as I can and then break out of the ball. To my left, I see King having trouble fighing the enemy, and to my right, my friend is laying on the ground all hurt and unconcious. My heart nearly stops at the sight and I must close my eyes for a while to calm myself down. I then fly down to the sleeping body and check if he's okay. With bloody hand, I feel my rage increase. A second later, I'm in front of the door. "Don't follow me, whatever you do", he had said. "Don't come to my fight." I don't follow such orders. Not now, at least. After opening the door, my sight gets blurry. In the next moment. I'm looking down at my hands- no, at what's in my hands. There's some kind of light. I raise my hands and the light to my face. All I see is white. White. White. Black. Blue?

"Hng..." I slowly open my eyes and find myself laying against the tree, looking up to the sky. It's a little warmer in the air now.

Then I get a chill from down in the toes to up and out through my fingertips. What was that feeling just now? I close my eyes and focus. Blood. I feel sick of blood for some reason. I make my brain work ten times more efficient then usually and finally remembers the dream. My eyes gets teary because of the picture stuck in my mind - a body covered in blood. Someone I know... I think?

Then something else catches my interest. I hear a page flip not too far away from me.

"Y-you're here!? How long has I been sleeping?" I shout and stand up at the sight of the little boy I met last night as the latest.

"Quiet down a little, please. I'm trying to read. And you were sleeping when I got here an hour ago so it depends on when you fell asleep." He answers calmly and somewhat annoyed. He's nothing like my first impression anymore, I think.

"Um-" I'm about to ask something more about the time but choose to say something else instead. "I never got your name by the way."

He looks at me from behind his book and simply answers, "Okay."

"Ahaha, yeah I thought maybe you could tell me?" This feels really awkward right now.

The boy closes his book and sighs. "Whatever, it's Estany."

"Soooo Estany, what are your relationship to Gyorg? Or maybe i should say 'Gramps'?" I ask, very uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"He's my grandpa, obviously." He says.

"Is he a good grandpa hehe?"

"I have no one else to compare him with so I don't know what to answer. Why are you asking me a bunch of dumb questions?" He says annoyed and starts to walk back to the village.

"I just want to get to know you better, you know?" I state, while repeating the word "stop" in my head.

"You're using bad methods" Estany says and stops. He turns around and looks up at me with disgust. He has big cyan eyes that reflects the sun. "Don't start a get-to-know-someone investigation just like that. It's creepy. And don't ask stupid questions. Ask something that you really want to know instead, something useful. Like what that dream was right now for example."

I take a step back in shock and look frightened at him. "How do you know about my dream!? Did you see it too? Please don't tell me you did!" I'd never want a child to watch something so horrible!

"Of course not, idiot. That's merely impossible. For me at least, Gramps would probably be able to build a machine like that..." He answers with ease.

"Then how did you know?" I ask confused.

"Anyone would suspect a nightmare if they see someone twitching and sweating and breathing like you did. Also, Gramps has told me you'll get some weird dreams from now on. You should probably write it down."

"Yeah, you're right!" I pick up my book and pen from the pocket and open an empty side in the beggining. But as I'm about to start writing, my hand stops and just won't move itself. Estany sighs in front of me.

"Stupid girl, if I had important dreams like that, I would write them down immediatly before I forgot.." I can hear him say to himself. I've... forgotten? Already?

"Yeah... I am pretty stupid."

We keep walking in silence back to the village.

Author's note:

I deeply apologize for late updates and all, I've been having some trouble with the storyline is all. As stupid as I am, I started writing this before having a full story planned ahead of me. Yes, I sure can relate to most of Kouki's personality.
But thank's a lot for reading! :)

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