20. Rubber Ball Stellat (Finale)

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A/N: play the music while you read, it gets more epic then :>

Okay I have NO DAMN IDEA of how this is happening but these roots seem to help me get closer to the light so might I be able to stop it?

I reach out my hand into the air. I truly feel like I'm in a movie now, but am I the main character or side character, that just went through some major personality development?

The light is all I see. All I see is the light. Seriously, it's so bright I think I'm gonna go blind, but instead I feel charged and energised. This is reality, right? Not another dream of mine. Epic music plays around me, which I have no idea where it comes from. This is normal here I guess.

But that's all I get to think before it turns completely quiet. Everything, including me, becomes slowmotioned, and I feel some kind of warmth coming from the light surrounding me. Not like sun-warmth, more like it's calling for me. Like we're related, or that the light is me.

My stretched out fingers touch the shining substance, which I didn't think was possible, and the yellow non-but-still-sort-of-matter slowly grabs my hand. As if it's a person, we hold hands for a time that feels like an eternity. Touching its skin makes me feel so much at home.

Then, in less than a microsecond, the sun shrinks into nothing more than a small ball, fitting perfectly in my hand. What earlier held me up now loosens and disappears under my feet.

The light had been higher up in the air than I'd thought. Slowly, I fall about a mile down in silence. I keep a hard grip around the ball as my body is wrapped in it. While my hair is covering the sides of my face, the casual dress I'm wearing starts transforming. The coat is pulled off my shoulders, and on my arms, a quilt of golden silken is carried. Following my upper body, the fabric then sprouts in my waist. White lines spread wild and form unimaginable details all over it. I can even feel some of them literally touching my body, wrapping my pinkies in spirals.

The moment I land on the ground, a soft explosion of light covers the village. I remain unharmed on the stone plates, still hugging the ball. I don't want to let go. I don't want to look up. I don't want to see anyone. I just want to stay here with myself in my hands.

Gyorg is the one to break my peace.

"Congratulations" he says. "You've finally achieved you power."

I stay quiet. Why does he sound so not surprised at all? Like he saw this coming from the very beginning. It's kinda annoying.

"Stop ignoring me, it's not like you have an epic moment of truth or something."

"... ..."

"... ..."

"That's a joke, right?"

"Yeah like duh what did you think, you just had like the most epic music and thought process of all of this story."

"Why are you breaking by the fourth wall?"

"What wall?"


I sit up and stare at the little shining ball in my hands. It looks like a children's playing ball, but when I squeeze it in my hand, it stretches into a sword. When I then hold it so it goes along with my arm and think a little, it becomes a shield. This ball is a living weapon.

"That ball has a name, y'know" Gyorg says. I look up. "It's known in the legends as the Sacred Treasure Rubber Ball Stellat, the shapeshifting light. Only those with powers of the nature can wield it. Not like the Fairy King, more like... just balance. Yeah, the Balance of nature. I suppose that's you."

Huh? How am I the Balance? This story is getting weirder and weirder.

"So Rubber Ball Stellat... is my weapon?" I say. "And I'm the Balance of nature? But I'm not the Chosen One. Meliodas is."

"So what?" Estany says from behind me. He looks into my soul with no expression at all. I avoid eye contact for some reason.


"Just go save the world already."

I instantly stare at him and pierce him with all my emotions. His line echoes in my head. I can't save anyone-- wait I just did... um.... Well I can't save the whole world. I know I've missed some episodes of Seven Deadly Sins the last few weeks but I know enough to be able to state that I'd definitely die if I were to participate in the fights. Even though this ain't following the true story. Maybe that's my fault though... But that doesn't change anything! I still won't be able to do it. It'll just be a suicide mission. And if I were to lead it all too because I was "the Chosen One", then I'd REALLY feel like I was Erwin. Yup. No objections there.

Yet... why do I feel like I wanna go anyways? It's like my whole body and the hope in my hand are screaming "GO GO LET'S GO LET'S GO DATEKO" or something... Fine! You win, Date Tech!

So I stand up. Walk up to him. Put my hands on his shoulders. Gather up my strength and say,

"Okay. I'll do it. I'll go save the world."

However, the second I've said that, I start to shiver and regret everything I have ever done, especially walking into the portal during the PE lesson that day not so long ago.

But this is it.

I'm doing it.

Let's save this goddamn world.


Hey guys and gals and non-binary pals! Today at PE we played Run For Your Life again, so that's kinda why I decided to update today and tell you this...
I have chosen to end this story here. Or at least this part. I don't know if I'll ever continue on it, you see I find it kinda cringy and boring to write on -_-
But thanks anyone who's read it anyways! I'll announce if I ever begin on a part 2 but please don't expect anything! I probably won't keep going, despite having pieces of a storyline planned, but I might write another book some day :] (from another anime ofc).

So thanks again for reading and have fun in life!

Also special thanks to @DeathlyBoring who helped me from times to times ʕ⁎̯͡⁎ʔ༄

Bye for now then!

Almost in ParadiseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz