19. Choice

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"We can't trust her!"

"It doesn't matter if we can trust her or not, she  obviously has valuable information."

"How do you think the Sins will react then? I don't think everyone will be as accepting as you."

My two travel companions looks at me as I step into the house in thoughts.

"Sorry did I interrupt something?" I ask confused. Ban sighs and walks past me and pats on my shoulder.

"We should get going. Cap'n's waiting" he says.

Not until he's outside I understand what he said.

"W-wait!" I run after him. "Leave? Now?!"

"Yeah, but if you rather wish to stay here then that's okay too."

"Of course not! It's just–" Gyorg. I can't just leave the one person who actually understands me. Who has been through the same phenomenon as me. "How are we even gonna get to Camelot? It's all the way across Liones you know."

"We'll travel on the same way as we did to get to here." He answers.

"But that'll take weeks!" I insist.

"I told you, you don't have to come."

I stop behind him and think. "Of course I'll come. Who do you take me for, that doesn't go with the protagonists of the show?" I say quietly and deeply but loud enough for Ban to hear. "I just don't feel like I'm done here yet. You know, Lucy talked about a lot of things but I think she said something would happen to me. I don't know what, but whatever it is, I don't want to have left before that happens."

He turns around and looks confused at me. "Lucy?" Shit, I forgot he doesn't know about my dreams. Should I tell him?

"It's... she's..." I stutter. Is it okay for him to know or will she be angry with me? But he didn't react in a specific way when I told him about the real world, and that's pretty major information too. "She's someone I met in a dream" I say.

"'Kay" he says and continues to walk forward. My rage slightly increases.

"Did you even listen to anything I said? We can't leave yet."

"So you rather sit back in this little village and look at the stars while people might be fighting for their lives, than help them or at least be there for them?" He says with a serious voice.

"Fighting for their lives?" I stop again despite him walking ahead of me. It's not weird that he hasn't told me everything he knows, I'm really still just a stranger, but it's still irritating. "Ban. Why did the Sins leave to Camelot?"

He keeps quiet and walks away from me. "Answer me?" I say annoyed. "No? So you really don't trust me. Whatever, I don't care! Walk around, be hot, crush people's hearts because of a little dead girl and save humanity at the same time! I will stay here. Then I'll search you up." I have gone too far. Way too far. Insulting Elaine and then deciding to give up my one chance of being with the Seven Deadly Sins. But it's still what my heart says.

"Keep Elaine out of this." He says deeply. Then that's it. He takes off and Jericho goes with him. I'm left behind, determined and anxious at the same time.

I sit down at the stone steps to my lent house and go into deep thoughts. What if I'm wrong about what Lazy... Losy... her speech was about? Maybe nothing will happen and I've wasted this chance in vein. Can I just go to sleep and meet her again?

As my mind keeps travelling from one point to another in my brain, I doesn't notice how the sky slowly turns brighter. It's not until Estany kicks me from the side that I get dragged back to reality. He points at the circle of light that increases in size as time passes.

"What is that?" He asks.

"How am I supposed to know that?" I say and peer at the light.

"Dunno. When I asked Gramps he said he was busy and couldn't check so I asked you instead."

We sit and look at it for a while until we realise it's enormous.

"It almost looks like it's gonna crash down right here" Estany says.

"Wait, what if it does? What if it's dangerous?" I say upset.

"We don't know that" he answers calmly.

But after a short time, people around in the village starts to run around and away to "avoid" the ginormous sun.

"We can't just sit by here Estany! It might be deadly!" I shout and stand up. I hear he's started to breathe more heavily which proves his fear. The light is covering all of the sky now and there's nowhere to run away from it. I panic as I run to Gyorg to find that his door is locked.

"The hell!" I scream as I try to come up with ideas. "Is there anything we can do? Gyorg's locked up for some reason and everyone here has evacuated. Ban and Jericho is gone too and I am powerless. The only way we could survive in would be to go deep underground but we have no such bunker here.." As I keep rambling, Estany looks terrified at me.

"What are you doing?!" He asks.

"Thinking!" I scream, not understanding why he'd point that out. Something inside me feels like it's dragged toward the light, that it wants to go to it. What am I, a fly? Stop it!

But then I actually start to move upwards. My wings are down and I look at my feet, which are covered in roots. As is everything else underneath them. Just what the heck is going on, I ask my giant shadow on the ground, but it leaves me no answer.

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