17. Plop

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Still thinking of the possibility of Gyorg to be a grandpa, I sneak inside Jericho's place and back to the couch I earlier slept on. How will I be able to rest now after everything that's happened?, I think. Even though I don't remember every detail, I can swear on that I saw a rain of diamonds, then a flood, then had that weird dream. That apparently wasn't a regular one. What the heck did he mean with that?

I close my eyes and clear my mind, but thanks to that woman in my dream, Lucy, a specific song is stuck in my head. I never really liked Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, partly because there wasn't many cool "Beatles-surprises", but also 'cause it was a pretty drugged song. Their drugged songs are mainly the best ones, like A Day in the Life and the whole Magical Mystery Tour, but this one... you can hear it in their voices. It's just so sad. Why, they are singing about LSD after all.

So that's it with the cleared mind. For the following hours, I just lay on the couch thinking of a whole bunch of useless things. For example, how I'm gonna get rid of Jericho, what happens if you fly upside-down, or what you do if you have to pee during a fight. Then my thoughts go to Camelot and the other sins, what they do and how they'll react when they meet me– if they meet me I mean. I shouldn't travel too far into the future, who knows when I'll be taken back.

The sun finally shines in through the window and I decide to get up. Although no one else has woken up yet, I get my brown coat and black boots on. I also grab the notebook from earlier, which I now can get a clearer look at.

It's black with brown sides and a little gold. The pages are yellowish, the kind of old-paper yellow. Damn, my writing is awful.

I put it in my inner pocket on the coat and then walk out of the house. The cool morning air to my face feels good. I choose to look around in the village, I haven't exactly got the time to do that yet since I keep passing out for no reason.

There are houses here and there, but even if including the tavern, there's not many "shops" here. A small convenience store around a corner, a hairdresser further ahead and then puny clothing store. And a pharmacy. But that's about it.

I walk up a hill and look out over a big sea a few hundred meters in front of me. It'd be nice to go there sometime, it looks pretty dope. Ah, you know what? Let's go there now.

I keep moving forward, in between of some trees and over a couple of stones. Then finally, I reach the sea. Its water almost sparkles of imaginable happiness and soothing thoughts. I slowly dip my hand into it and let the waves split up by the top of my fingers. I raise the hand and taste a drop from my index finger. Salty. But sweet. But still more salty I think.

I sit down by a tree and look out over the blue duvet. It's just too beautiful, all of it. The sea, the grass around it, the fading stars in the sky and the rising sun, the birds' singing, the fish's jumping that makes the water plop.

"Plop, plop" I mumble to myself and smile. Never did I see anything like this on my Earth. Not in where I'm from anyways. Since birth, I've grown up in a big city in which I had to travel far only to get to a small forest. It sucks. Therefore, this whole place makes me very happy. So much nature...

Before I know it, I've dozed off to the tree I'm sitting by. The place makes me so calm that all the thoughts I have just imprisons themselves into a cocoon, that'll break once I get back. In order to get back, I have to stay low too, or else the cocoon won't open, which it'll have to sometime. Thus, for the time being, my eyes and ears and body can rest.

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