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Yoojung-"isn't she pretty?"
Seulmi-"ya ya..."(while staring at yoojung as if he is covered with stars)

Seulmi was deeply in love with her best friend yoojung but it was still unnoticeable to her best friend. As her best friend's whole attention was on that pretty girl at whom he was staring for the whole day.

Yoojung-" yah!.. are you even paying attention to me?"
Seulmi-" Yes..yes I am..I-i was-s just thinking about the T-test.." (seulmi replied while being shocked)
Yoojung-"Hey!..what type of friend you are..I am talking about something so important  and you are busy dreaming bout that ridiculous test"..(yoojung said disbelieved)
Seulmi-"No...I am not..but still I'm scared about the test...what if I fail?"
Yoojung-"what will happen if you fail? Nothing's just a test tell me how do I confess my love for her?"..(yoojung said while staring at that girl  leaving a gloomy and sad seulmi)
Seulmi-"How do I know love her not me.."
Yoojung-" yah.. jjinja (really) what a good friend I have" ( he said sarcastically)
(Seulmi said in her mind- a friend who is sacrificing her love for her friend to be happy)
Yoojung-" you know what...ah..never mind...I'm gonna propose to her right's okay I don't need your help"

Before Seulmi could say anything else.. yoojung approached that girl's table.

(Seulmi in her mind- please say no.. please say no.. please sa--)

But to her bad...her prayers were not her heart was shattered into small pieces seeing her love confessing his love to someone else.

It was too hard for her to accept the  reality...the guy that she loved for more than 10 years was being taken by someone he just met few months ago.

                  ---To Be Continued---

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