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20mins ago,

Can't believe 5 yrs passed so quickly... Naeun and I are dating for almost 5 yrs...I'm waiting at a cafe for her to celebrate our 5th heart still feels empty...I don't know why but feels like I'm missing something..more like someone..a very special and important person in my life.. which I lost because of my selfishness...if I'd..just explained to her the whole thing she wouldn't have left that day...I broke her heart...I never wanted to.......

Yoojung-" yah..eodiso(where are you?)...I'm waiting for you.." (he was on the phone with his girlfriend)
Naeun-" wait for me..I'm almost there.."
Yoojung-" yah Palli Palli (quickly)" ( he said while being impatient to see her)

Before he could say anything else Naeun ended the call...he was disappointed and hurt because she never did something like this unknown feeling was scaring him..his mind was clouded with many thoughts..both negative and positive..but it was interrupted by the ringing of the cafe entrance bell, signaling that someone entered the cafe.

His eyes frozen at the figure he saw... indescribable feelings began to blow his head and body...he didn't know what to think..he was speechless..he was in awe.. sadness and pain consumed him when he saw the figure that he missed the most..the person who left him because he accidentally caused a lot of pain to her...his phone was ringing but he couldn't concentrate as his mind and eyes was on that individual who became more beautiful from that day...she was already beautiful but the more she aged the more attractive aura she gave..he was stuck in his own thoughts while staring at that pretty individual.


I couldn't believe what I saw...the man I wanted to avoid the rest of my life..the man whom I hated from the roots..the man whom I wanted to forget and move on but was unable to..the man who hurt me to the point where I thought breathing was hard..was again in front of me.. staring with that deep brown set of eyes which still makes me fall harder for him

I wanted to leave this place but my feet were frozen...I wanted to call for Taehi but my voice was stuck..a single tear fell on my left cheek reminding me how much I missed him even though he had ruined much I wanted to run to him and hug him and tell him how much I love him..but I didn't want to..for the first time I was going to listen to my brain.. because whenever I listened to my heart I ended up in the streets..alone.. crying in the dark streets...

The past began to haunt her again..her mind drifted to what happened 5 yrs ago.

                    TO BE CONTINUE

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