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No one really knows how deep the water is until they try it themselves.

For Krist who has been pining for Singto world after world, he had an inkling on as to how deep he has fallen.

But he never thought he'd drown into such a bottomless pit with no way to resurface.

"Have you tried this Yakisoba before? It goes perfectly with that pink drink you always order at the drink station." Tutah placed a couple of plates in front of the gang.

The noodles looked appetizing. "I don't think I've tried this before. No." Krist sniffed the food. "Is that soy sauce?"


Obliging his expectant friends, he tried the noodles. "Good."

Prem did a high-five with Tutah. The others simply laughed at them, Still, they were all pretty glad that Krist's response was positive considering how down their friend for the past week after he moved to the dorm with them.

No doubt he is currently experiencing Separation Anxiety.

"Did you hear about the new transfer student? Rumors said she's pretty." Tutah started a new topic while slurping his cup of ice tea.

"Pretty?" Prem raised a brow.

Their gossipmonger of a friend nodded his head. "Very."

"Is there a name?" Knot asked.

"She's going to be my future wife, right?"

Bright's enthusiasm resulted to a couple of smacks from them. "She's not!"

"Well, there is another transfer student believed to be a genius. I heard they are together so I highly doubt she'll be your wife Bright." Tutah smirked.

"We have two transfer students in our final year? Won't it be hard for them?" Knot asked again.

Prem nodded his head. Looking for friends as freshmen weren't easy. More so would it be for graduating students who must enter already formed cliques.

"They do have each other so I don't think it would be much of a problem for them. I saw the guy and he's cute with his dimples. Plus, he's a genius. He'll be famous around here in no time."

Back when he didn't have a fight with Singto, Krist would greatly enjoy idle chats like this. They often became topics whenever he'd have a meal with his vampire. There was no need for them now. After all, he'd be limiting his interactions with the older male to lessen the impact of his unrequited love.

Ever since he moved to the school's dormitory, Krist busied himself with scholastic affairs in order not to think about his vampire. The relief of not seeing the older male for five days in a week offered him solace like no other.

Deep inside he yearned for Singto and yet, he was relieved not to risk his life all the time. Still he's not going to run away. No. Krist has resolved himself to live beside Singto albeit not in the way he hoped.

"Ah Krist, the Music Society is asking again if you want to join them. Their club activities are now strictly on weekdays after some parent complained about the members lack of rest. Or you still want to continue with the Art Society? All of them are assholes, you know."

Prem handed Krist a membership form. "They'd be ecstatic to have you play the piano for them."

In his previous lives, he used to be very artistic. Anything that deals with art like paintings, sketches, sculptures- he did them all. Maybe he should try something he is personally interested in instead of the original.

Elusive GemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora