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Krist twisted on his bed and laid on his other side. He had been trying to sleep for hours now to no avail. Inside his head, something kept whispering that something was wrong. Dying to get some sleep after a stressful day of figuring out how to be with his mates, Krist decided to get another cup of warm milk.

In the middle of adding honey, he noticed a moving light followed by voices. Curious, Krist went out to see what's going on only to be stupefied.

A few feet from the summerhouse he was staying in with his mom, his father stood with his back to him and hands raised. In front of his dad was an armed woman with alphas holding guns aimed at him.

"This is not the proper way to hand-" Krist heard his dad say.

The woman, whom Krist recognized as Mathilde, hit his father using the back of her gun. "You do not tell me how to handle things, Sangpotirat! Your whore of a son is the main reason why my business and family are falling apart. If it weren't for him, my sons wouldn't do something as ridiculous as filing cases against me. All my plans were ruined by your son who keeps on shaking his waist!"

"Stop talking about my son like that! I knew you were the one who had him kidnapped almost six years ago. Your sons met mine because of you! I always knew you were jealous of my son's accomplishment before we lost him despite his tender age and second gende-"

"Jealous?! I'd never be jealous of the likes of such an insubstantial someone like an underaged omega. I was only looking out for my sons! Just one look at him and I knew that he would be something great in our circle. That he would one day catch one of my son's eyes. I had to get rid of him!"

"Get rid of my son?! He is my only child, Mathilde! If your husband tolerates your close mindedness, don't think everyone else would. Not even your twins. They are great men. No one would think they came from the womb of a horrible viper like-"

"Shut it!" Krist flinched when his father received another hit from his mates' mother. "My sons will come back to me after I get rid of that nasty son of yours. Your whole family will die tonight, Sangpotirat. You should've known that your wife and son won't be safe from me even when hidden in a secluded beach such us this."

Instead of being scared shitless, Krist heard his father laugh. "You are a madwoman. You really think your sons would be the same after losing their mate?! They've bonded with Kit. They will die without their mate. Is that what you want?"

Die? Kitty what does my father mean?

(Some mates create a bond Krist. Others create a bond accidentally after having unprotected sex. A bond is different from mating. An alpha can mate with a different partner despite mating and knotting another. But a bond is more complicated. Special. Different. People who bonded die if they don't spend time with their partners.)

If what father said is true. . . The twins and I can die because of this bond?

(Specifically, you'll die of loneliness due to not seeing your mate for a long period of time.)

Is this the reason why I've been lethargic and moody lately? Mom and I thought those were symptoms of my pregnancy.

(Could be. Or you did bond with the twins.)

How would I know.

(You'll know if you are dying to see them.)

I always do. All the time.

(Then. . . )

His talk with Kitty was cut short by a loud gunshot which jolted Krist. Afraid that his father had been shot, Krist tried to sharpen his eyes to see what was going on in the dark.

"Who was that?! Show yourself if you don't want this man here to die with a bullet on his forehead!" Mathilde threatened. The assuredness in her voice replaced by a slight tremble.

Krist wanted to step out and help his father but he would be endangering her unborn baby in doing so. He could only silently hope that whoever fired the gun earlier is their ally.

When no one stepped out, Mathilde ordered her men to stay alert and keep their guns directed to Krist's father who kept on looking around them as well. When Mrs. Ruangroj swans her gun around, Krist felt his heart tighten in his chest. Her careless handling of the weapon might cause his father harm!

"Don't you think you are going too far with this, stepmother?" A young boy, most likely an omega, was hauled by an alpha towards Mathilde.

Stepmother? Could this be Wayo?!

Krist carefully walked closer towards the noisy group to see more of the newcomer's features. What he saw made him conclude that the boy was indeed an omega with fair skin, pouty lips and pretty face. He is more than certain that he was staring at the twin's younger brother.

"Whatever you say doesn't matter, dirt. So keep your mouth shut while I deal with the Sangpotirats. You'll be next after them."

Wayo stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the older beta in front of him. His stepmother is such a diva. If he neurons were working the way they should be, she should've know that being at a gunpoint is not enough to scare an alpha like Mr. Sangpotirat.

Her head is only attached to her body for visual purpose. Gosh! Her stupidity knows no boundaries!

"Don't even think about escaping or asking for help." Mathilde looked at him with malicious eyes.

Before, he would've cowered in fear. But not anymore. Not when his brothers got his back.

"Contacting someone to ask help is not necessary." As if in accordance to his statement, loud noises of engines filled the air.

Here they come.

In a few seconds, men in suits surrounded his stepmother and her men. Smiling innocently, he patted the beta's right cheek.

"Kidnapping is a crime, stepmother. More so when you kidnap the stepson whom you've lost custody over and who just turned eighteen a few days ago. Tsk2x. With all your schemes, this is the most idiotic one, so far." Yo taunted.

The woman who was still in daze did not respond. In the end, he could only look as his brothers' men drive her away from him and from everyone else. Hopefully they wouldn't be seeing her for a very long time.

"I didn't expect you to play along with this, sir." Wayo greeted the older alpha.

Mr. Sangpotirat thinly smiled at him before turning around. "Kit, come out. I know you're hiding."

Wayo's eyes widened in unrestrained delight. He'd be seeing his brother-in-law for the first time ever!

A few feet away from where he was standing, a silhouette straitened. When he stepped into the moonlight, Yo can't help but smile a saccharine one when he saw his face.

I always knew my brothers are suckers for cuties!

Energetically, Wayo excitedly bounced his way to Krist and wrapped his smaller arms around the older omega while giggling. "You are prettier than the picture in my brothers' office. You should see it. They labeled it 'wifey'. I'm Yo. Wayo for long. You are sooooo prrreeeetttyy! I have seen the wedding suit our stylist prepared for you and it would look great on you. Oh! Let's go back inside and have warm milk. I'll tell you everything my brothers been working on since you left them. Including your wedding, of course."

Wayo giggled more when Krist at him in sheer disbelief. While Mr. Sangpotirat shook his head at the younger omega's audacity to drop one bomb after another.

"We are going to be the best omega in-laws ever!"

Author's Note:
You might be wondering why there's a huge time gap between POV in this arc. You see, court proceedings take a lot of time. As well as business acquisitions and partnerships. I've tried to speed things up (as per the twins' orders😂) but the best I can do is jump from one POV with a different timeline to another. The gap would usually be a few weeks or months. Krist is already hitting his third month of pregnancy in this chapter.

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