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Laying on his bed, Krist groaned in comfort. Switching to lay on his side, he looked at the huge cradle his baby is sleeping in.

Cradle. Funny how such a thing was given to his son when he is about to hit a full year. But then, his baby deserves it. Little Mean has been nothing but a sweetheart, accepting the harsh living conditions they had before and the lavish style they have now.

Tired of thinking about his current situation and the relationship he has with the twins, Krist closed his eyes.

If Kitty was here, the cat would surely tell him to give the twins a chance and let them prove that they do care for him and the baby. Maybe, she'd even give more useful insights of the importance of giving a second chance.

"I don't want to give them anything anymore." He said to himself.

Krist is tired. This world has been hard. Baby Mean might be his greatest joy but carrying him for about 10 months is no walk in the park. Especially giving birth to him.

At the back of his mind, he doesn't want to share his baby to his fathers because he was the one who suffered all throughout the pregnancy and labour. The twins have given him nothing but insecurities, shame, fear and pain. Who'd want to risk another dose of such?

Another thing that's holding Krist back is his sister. He was supposed to give up on Kongpob and choose Singto. .. well, that was what the original thought when everything became a mess. But, Katty is not in love with Kongpob. She wants him along with Singto. His sister wants the twins.

Arrgh! Everything is a mess!

He sighed again.

He is a mess.

The unanswered question continues to nag at him. Staying in this palace means that he is giving the twins another chance but in the end, he had the choice to stay or not. Should he stay? Or should he follow his mind that keeps on sending him the signal to run?

Krist was about to go crazy with indecision when he heard a commotion outside his room. Curious, he stood from his bed and opened his door to ask what was going on when the said door was opened by a servant.

"The Emperor! The emperor has been shot by an arrow!"

Upon hearing this, Krist immediately fled his room in search for Singto. He didn't even ask what happened and how the darker male was harmed. His only focus was to check and make sure that his lion is alive and will be well soon.

Fear and worry overtook his whole being and when his mind can process information again, he found himself inside a Kongpob's strong arms as they wait for the result of the arrow's extraction from Singto's shoulder.

"Hush. . .he'all be fine. He'll get through this. . .my brother is strong."

Krist sniffed. When he started crying is something he doesn't know. The only thing he's sure of is that he'll go crazy if Singto dies because of some arrow.

"Trust me. Trust Singto. We'll never leave you."

Eyes red with tears, Krist glared at Kongpob. "How can you be so sure when the Royal physician is not yet done with hi-"

The darker male kissed Krist's forehead. "My brother can take any physical injury in strides. I've been fighting beside him for years in different battlefields. That arrow is nothing compared to what we have encountered before. Believe me."

"But I saw a lot of bloo-"

"Don't worry too much. He'll get through this and he'll spend the rest of his pointless life pestering you along with me." Kongpob teased.

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