Ruby locked the door again.

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"Well, this is the last of it!"

Pencil looked over the piles of boxes that they had packed, mountains of yellow face boxes (It was actually five but it felt like mountains). They had been planning on this day for a while now, ever since the TLC contestants were freed and they needed a new place to live (Yoyle city didn't have a very high capacity, almost all the buildings collapsed under small pressure). Thankfully, the plane being discovered was a massive help, and now Freesmart was ready for their new home.

A hand wrapped around Pencil as Match watched with her, yep, here was years of their lives, in five boxes. Pencil sighed and started picking up her box to send it off with the truck. Book and Ice cube were seemingly discussing something with Bubble and Ruby, but that wasn't important, probably just describing the plane (Book could get descriptive sometimes). Pencil called over to them.

"Hey! Did you girls forget about your boxes?".

The four others immediately scrambled to get their boxes, to which Pencil smiled.

If all things went well, her alliance would be living in a grassy plane with no issues.

Today would be a great day.

A few months later... 

The sounds of rustling filled Bubble's head as she attempted to focus on her candle, Golf Ball had said that the less she stressed, the less vulnerable she would be to popping, but she couldn't relax with all that racket.

"Ruby! Could you please stop with that racket?"

"Almost got it....There we go!"

Now Bubble was curious, didn't Ruby unpack already? What was she getting that was so important?

Her question was immediately answered as Ruby rushed out of the storage room with a DVD in hand. Bubble knew what it was the moment she saw that shine off the box.

"Ruby, are you watching season 4 of your collectors copy of Animaniacs again?"



"Well can you do it somewhere else?"

"Sure can do!"

Ruby immediately rushed into the hallway, with a visual less door shut, Bubble sighed as she looked forward to her few minutes of peace, with Pencil walking behind her. She turned on the TV.

"Alright Pin, master of baking, what are we making today?"

"Coiny, i'm not the master, but today we're gonna make a lemon scribble cake!"

"Oh! I love lemon scribble cakes, my absolute favorite cake in the whole world!"

"...What's a scribble cake?"

"Well a lemon scribble cake is-"


The End.

(Note: I'm horrible at writing accents, so you'll have to add them in when reading)

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