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(And we're back to bullshit land. I'll write non Crackshit stuff sometimes, but don't expect it all the time, also this is short.)

"Lollipop, why are you staring seductively at Taco while she plays Mario Kart?"

"Uh, just watching her play...why you gotta um..ask? Pussy."

Book expression soured as she walked away towards the kitchen. Lollipop then continued to seductively watch Taco celebrate her first place Wario win. Gaty and Saw were making plans to write a crackshit story on Wattpad about David going to hell, Ice cube was dead for now, and Teardrop just came downstairs. Lollipop looked up at TD.

"Hey TD, we got breakfast made."


Everyone looked up in shock.

"Okay, one, how are you speaking? Two, why are you only saying Fuck?"

Teardrop took a deep inhale (SNIFFFFFF)


"Is that the only thing you can say?"


Teardrop proceeds to bash Lollipop's head in with a brick.

The End.

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