My BFB Ships

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My mind is like a whirlwind so some of these might change but I dunno

Also I really like Poly relationships




Balls (Tennis Ball x Golf Ball)



Participants (Loser x Winner)


Bubble Blower (Bubble x Fanny)

Glowing Rose (Flower x Ruby)

BRO, I LIKE YOU TOO!!! (Pen x Eraser)

Dads :) (Balloony x Cloudy)

Bedtime Story (Pillow x Book)

Skywriting (Lightning x Marker)

Please don't hit them with an axe please don't I am begging you (Tree x Bottle)

Why am i shipping this (Black Hole x Nonexisty)

Price of Danger (Price Tag x Naily)

Caretakers (Basketball x Blocky)

Sharp and Flexible (Teardrop x Needle)

Fixer Upper (Basketball x Robot Flower)

Snowball's just Bisexual

Construction Pals (Gaty x Saw)

Mechanical Minds (Liy x Remote)

Lollipop's that one girl who acts much more mature and mom like then everyone else, I would ship her with someone but no one fits for her. It's not a david situation, I do love her, but no one fits her personality for me, so she stays the cool mom friend.

yeah, those are my ships. 2 x 4 is pretty cool but I don't ship it.

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