Goiky News: The goods.

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This is your daily Goiky News Broadcast! With your hosts, Pin and Coiny!

Coiny: Welcome back guys!

Pin: and gals.

Coiny: We've got a very special newscast today! With a special guest later today! But for now, the weather, with cloudy!

Camera zooms over to Cloudy

Cloudy: Today's weather iz smokey! With a light chance of smoke! Why iz zhere so much smoke.

Camera zooms back to Pin and Coiny

Coiny: Thank you Cloudy! 

Pin: We have a new story tonight, locals Donut and Fries have started a petition to end the selling of illegal drugs! Here's over to Needle with more news on that story!

Needle near the bathroom

Needle: Thank you Coiny, here at the bathroom, we see one of our protestors, Grassy! Let's go over to him.

Needle walks over to Grassy

Needle: So, Grassy, No one would expect you to be protesting this, what are your reasons for protesting the selling of illegal drugs?

Grassy: Basketball was protesting so Grassy wanted to help.

Needle: Wonderful, let's go over to more protesters!

Donut: Those drugs need to be stopped, it's making Gelatin way too strong!

Fries: I don't want Gelatin to have them but I can't confront him directly anymore.

Basketball: They got Gelatin! Who's next? Grassy? Rocky? Firey Jr?

Pie: Why wouldn't I protest against them?

Profiley: I am against drugs 100%!

Needle: Wait why are you-

Camera goes over to a shot of the Yoyle mountain, with Needle and Four.

Needle: We're now going over to Yoyle mountain to summon the almighty one and see his opinion on the illegal selling of drugs! Please turn the camera around, you won't want the kids to see this.

Camera turns around as unholy noises and screeching happen

Cary Huang: Hello, I am Cary Huang, Why do you wish to ask of me?

Needle: Hey Holy one! What are your opinions on the selling of illegal drugs in Goiky?

Cary Huang: What the fuck, of course I protest the selling of illegal drugs. Who's been smoking that shit?

Needle: Uhh, just Gelatin right now.

Cary Huang grabs Gelatin and squeezes the weed out of him

Cary Huang: Mission Accomplished, now I'm gone.

Cary Huang disappears out of sight


Needle: Well, back to Pin!

Camera goes back to Coiny and Pin, who are making Origami.

Pin: Thank you for that enlightening journey Needle! And for our last story of the day, Puffball's Rainbow Bakery has opened up! You'll be singing and flying when you bite into these treats!

Pin: Well, as we always say..

Coiny: This has been Goiky News, Signing off!

The End

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