The Losers Family AU

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(Eyo, these guys are all humanized)

(Also, I might ship LoserCake, CoinPin, and WinClock, but this AU does not feature those ships)

Fuzz. That's all my brain could make out as I flopped onto the hotel bed.

I just wanted this to be over, I just wanted to go back to Goiky with my kids, and see Winner again. Winner, oh how I missed them. Their soft hair, the way they moved, talked, the way they seemed to make light of every bad situation. They always made the worst days more bearable, but they weren't here right now, they were halfway across the world.

Technically, I was the one halfway across the world.

Touring with your kids makes you want to scream in frustration, not at your kids, but at yourself. You always wonder what you did wrong, everything is going to shit, and now i'm crying on a hotel bed after a show.

Insult my talents? I'm annoyed. Insult me? Frustrated, but you don't get away with insulting my kids or my precious Winner. I just didn't expect them to know what laid inside my brain. A knock suddenly plagues my thoughts, it's Pin, i'd know that gentle knock anywhere.

"Come innnn..." I let the sigh drag out my words, i'm too tired to stop it. Pin slowly come into the room, making sure to close and lock as silently as possible, she's such a sweetheart. She hops onto the bed as I stare up at her. It feels silly to have one of your "kids" act as the mature one in the situation but I didn't want to go out there right now.

Pin had dressed herself up in a small red dress, with a silver belt tied around the waist. Her outfit had entirely consisted of those two colors, and she wore her signature spiky headband. She had insisted on wearing it even if it didn't exactly look right at a fancy party, but I couldn't say no to her. 

"Um, Loser? I know it was rough out there with all the yelling but are you okay? You looked like you were about to cr-" she stopped mid sentence as I lifted my head up, revealing my disheveled blonde hair and red eyes. I silently told her I wasn't okay, and she understood it completely. Pin slowly removed herself from the bed and left the bedroom, leaving me to my own devices.


...maybe I should call Winner...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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