the realization

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Just like other day, Edward was taking his usual goods, from vicars town all the way to knapford. He was told to pick up a couple of coal trucks to his train, as duck, who was originally planned to take those trucks, had an issue with his piston and was forced out of work. The train got heavier, and Edward's pace kept dropping. He needed to stop at wells worth to fill up, so he did. He met Paxton there, who was looking rather worried, and was talking to a yard manager.

Paxton ' so, I'm required to take an emergency goods to crovans gate, but what about my original fuel train going to knapford? '

Manager ' I suppose you can only leave it. There's a big risk at crovans gate, as the construction site is facing some major issues, and needed some parts to stay safe '

Paxton ' so I don't have a choice then '

Manager ' no you don't '

Paxton then saw Edward, and came up with an idea.
Paxton ' Edward, why don't you take my fuel train to knapford, you're going there, aren't you? '

Edward was a bit hesitant, as the train was heavy enough, but a work man came.
Workman ' the fuel is running really low in knapford, it would be a matter of time we have to shut off all the diesels there. The fuel train have to go, Edward. Do us a favour and please take it. '

Edward sighed, slowly shunted the tankers onto the front of his train. Paxton was long gone with the parts and materials for the construction. Edward pulled with all his might, and was able to just start the train. It slowly made it's was around a long, right hander, before Gordon's hill came in sight. Edward was panting already, and his fireman was rather worried with the reading with his boiler pressure. It got to the point where it was dangerous to continue going with such a high pressure, and the fireman told Edward to ease off the pressure in the boiler, but led to a even slower crawl. Eventually, Edward stopped on the slope, his piston aching from all the pumping, his rods hurts from the force they were given.

Fireman ' great, now we're stuck. Wait here, I'll tell the guard in the braking van to go down and get us a banker. Hopefully some big engines can help us, a small tank engine won't do much good in this case '

Edward can only hum in response, he was still catching his breath. Before the guard returned, Ryan was passing by, and was cut by the fireman.
Fireman ' Ryan, can you give us a push? '

Ryan ' sure! I left a little early and have a few minutes to spare '
He left his own train on a siding, and tried pushing from behind, but to no avail.

Ryan ' uh sorry, I have to go, otherwise I'd be late '

Edward ' well thanks for trying anyways. Bye Ryan! '

Ryan ' bye Edward! Good luck! '

The guard soon returned, and wasn't looking too happy.

Fireman ' so what's the result? '

Guard ' we'd have to wait. Duck is the other banker but obviously he broke down, so we get to wait for others to come by '

Edward ' oh brilliant. I'll be later then ever! '

Guard ' you're taking two extra trains, TFC can't get mad at you for this '

They sat there, and not long after, they heard Rebecca's whistle.

Fireman ' maybe we can stop her and get a push '

Rebecca ' hey Edward '

Edward ' oh Rebecca, can I get a- '

Before Edward can even finish the sentence, Rebecca had went down the other side, cheering as her speed increased.

Edward ' a push... I'll take that as a no '

ttte (My Current Au, May Be Unpublished Soon)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum