RIP Peter (aka Crazy Caboose Creations)

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So yeah, second chapter in the same day.

I don't know if you guys picked it up or not, but a TTTE creator by the name of Crazy Caboose Creations had past, about 11-12 hours ago (from what I know). A failure during a surgery was the cause of his death. Yeah, I really don't have much to say, except my condolences to him and his family. I may not watch his videos, but may him rest easy.

Edit: also, I've noticed that people are sending his family undeserved hate. I mean, Peter's a kid, he's like what, 15-16? His life was barely starting, and it's already over. To those who've been doing that, a sincere fuck you from the bottom of my heart. I don't know, this fandom is just fucking toxic man. Bwba and season 25 didn't help, but some people here are just fucking sick. I don't have words, I really don't consider leaving this fandom, and yes, I found quite a positive fandom here on Wattpad,  but is it even healthy for a fandom that'll have major effect on the show's development and more importantly, give new comers impression, is it what we do? Like really? I don't know about you, in pretty most people reading this would be older than you, and if you're older than 14, you have the ability to digest and comprehend your own opinion, I'll leave that to y'all to decide, so see for yourself. I really don't know about the state of the show and the fandom. We're going down with Mattel, that's what I'll say.

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