The unpleasant and pleasant surprises

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So before the actual story start, I just wanna say I will do a massive arc here, I've asked in the announcement but it seems it's broken, so yeah, I'm doing it. Also, a side note, I really dislike the CGI of the normal A3, it looks pretty horrendous ngl. This is the one all A3 would use in my stories. Everything would be using season 19 graphics, I think that era nailed between cartoon and realism, 23 on just looks cartoony, and let's not talk about season 25. Some will be different, like I'm using a trainz model for Gordon, only with a corridor tender. I'll keep you updated if I change. Scotsman is taken from Victor tanzig's The Stories Of War: Blitz. Gordon is from the following link,

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Actual story:

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Actual story:

Another day of the summer season, another day of hard work. The engines started the day, with hopes that everything would keep to the timetable. The day started alright, nothing went out of the scale, expect a small delay up on the little western. A small delay from the ballast trains meant the mainline was slightly congested. Tfc was determined to look for 87546, as his curiosity got the better of him. He started to question his belief that, is sodor really a safe, a magical island that's free from the world's sin? Is sodor really the escape from the greed, the selfishness, the sins from human? The island rarely have serious crimes, and everyone were taught that sodor is the sinful place, the people here are the peacekeepers. Is it true? He quickly shook the questions off his mind, and focused on researching information about 87546.

ttte (My Current Au, May Be Unpublished Soon)Where stories live. Discover now