Forgive us (part 3)

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So in this story contains some song's title, and try your best to find them out. It might be difficult, I listen to rap in throughout 2000s and late 1990s, mostly early or late 2000s, which is massively out of date, especially I'm just 14, and  there goes your hint.

Edward woke up in his hospital bed, with Rosie in a small chair nearby, drifting to sleep. He pulled a drawer in a shelf next to retrieve his phone. ' 7:12 ' was clearly written on the screen. The messages were full of worried friends, colleagues, and a few of his remaining family members. He turned it off, placed it on the shelf and hid his face in his hands. He couldn't help but regret the words that came out of his mouth last night, but he didn't know how to apologise, and his ego and pride, for once, prevented him from making the correct decision. Tears slowly formed in his eyes, and his eyes stung. He silently lets the tears roll out, as he pulled out the headphones and started playing songs on his phone to past the time. 

Back in the steam team's house in tidmouth, no one had a good night's sleep, knowing their actions deeply effected Edward, they felt guilty, even someone like Henry, who hadn't made any jokes about Edward for years. As well as feeling bad, they were also panicking. Not knowing the next step, and how to welcome Edward back. 

Nia ' how should we welcome him back? We can't just act like nothing happened'

James ' I don't know, you don't know, we don't know!'

He looked down on the floor, and quietly muttered, ' and I wish Edward to get scraped, he's important to all of us'

Gordon ' be careful what you wish for I suppose'

Thomas ' I guess we should do anything and everything we can to apologise, I guess?'

Gordon ' I dunno'

Percy ' how come are you so calm about this Gordon! Edward matters a lot to you, you admitted it!'

Gordon ' it's the way I am'

Emily ' getting back to the topic, what should we do?'

Henry ' wait and see, don't rush this. We have to see how it pans out'

Rebecca ' agreed, it's better to learn more and stay calm'

Gordon shrugged, ' well, off to work I suppose'

They all went to work with a heavy heart, couldn't help but worry about Edward the whole day.

In the hospital, Rosie woke up at just over 8, and saw Edward looking out of the window with his headphones on. He didn't notice Rosie waking up, so she lightly tapped on Edward's shoulder to get his attention. 

Rosie ' Edward... are you alright?'

Edward replied coldly, leaving Rosie a little hurt ' yeah'

Rosie ' really though? I've never seen so distraught and, depressed'

Edward ' that's none of your business'

Rosie '.... suit yourself'

Although Edward said he's fine, Rosie knew deep down, he wasn't. He was just denying it, ignoring it. It won't help it to heal, as he taught Rosie that a wound had to be treated properly. She couldn't find anyway for Edward to open up to her the whole day, and she went to work for a while during the day. 

Stanley ' ... so how Edward? You spend the night with him didn't you'

Rosie ' he said he was fine, but I knew he isn't, he's just lying'

Stanley ' I don't see Edward too much, especially after work, so I'm not sure how the others treat him. But Gordon, Henry and James had definitely dropped their habits of mocking Edward, I believe the problem is bigger than just him being mistreated'

Rosie ' then what do you think is the issue?'

Stanley ' I think he's somewhat self doubting, and self conscious. It's no secret really that he had this problem all these years' 

Rosie ' maybe it's because we have the ability to turn into human last year? Maybe he wasn't too happy with how he looks'

Stanley ' maybe, just maybe. I'll be honest, he never looks bad in human form though. Maybe relationships with his family or his love status'

Rosie thought to himself ' I even think he's beautiful,  both physically and emotionally'

Stanley ' but we won't know so soon, try to talk to him about in you're there... Rosie, Rosie! Are you listening?'

Rosie sprung out of her thoughts ' ah! Yes yes I'm listening'

Stanley sighed a little ' try and talk to him about it, alright?'

Rosie ' alright, I'll try'

Stanley ' good, now I have a goods to take to killdane, Tata!'

Rosie '  bye Stanley' 

Rosie had her head busy throughout the day, thinking of what Stanley had said, and her internal thoughts. ' am I really interested in Edward? Or should I? We don't know each other too well I guess. It's not the time now is it, just get him to feel better is the priority now' 

Evening came around, and instead of going back to tidmouth, the steam team had dinner in the hospital's cafe to visit Edward. 

Gordon and Henry went in first to see if Edward wants to talk or not, but they achieved nothing. Edward wasn't in the mood to talk, but he was discharged from the hospital. They returned home. Courtesy of Gordon breaking Edward's door, he couldn't close it, which is a good thing really, they'd ideally want to see him for most of the time. A thin blanket was used to cover up, as privacy was still a thing. The house that was once filled with laughter, was now silent and awkward. No one made jokes, nor did anything to lighten the mood. They were all waiting for Edward to finally open it, but it was a long wait. Gordon and Henry knew what happened, as 98462 also effected them, but not as much as Edward. Although the incident was nearly a century ago, they weren't ready to let the new generation of people know. The reaction will be very different as social media is now a big thing, and things can go wrong quickly, false news and conspiracy theories can be widely accepted online until proven otherwise. They were facing a fork. Tell their friends and risk leaking the incident of murdering 98462, or indirectly murdering 98462 I suppose, or hide the secret and leave everyone in the dark.

So about the songs- tell me here. If I used other songs accidentally, let me know, although I won't count it as it's not intended.

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