Forgive us (part 4)

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The following morning after Edward's discharge from the hospital was uneventful. They had their breakfasts, and went to work. Edward, however was put on shunting duty, where workmen and other engines can keep an eye on him. Other work went on as usual, Gordon running the flyer, Rebecca and Hiro taking the commuter train, and various branches were in full service. Goods and passengers bustled around the island. Everything was going fine until a quarter to 12, an unheard whistle was heard along the mainline. Engines were clueless of the new arrival, and was confused by the new comer, as other trains from the mainland stop at vicars town and travel no further. The engine arrived at an empty knapford, since other engines were away. Stanley rushed to the station to see the engine. A nicely dressed man stepped from the first coach, and was greeted by tfc. 

Tfc ' welcome to the island. I had been waiting for your arrival for a while now'

The men shook hands, and went into tfc's office.

Man ' morning, topham. Let's spare the greetings, and get down to business. As you know, we are streamlining our passenger service, and your engine, Gordon did splendidly with his express. However, as the passenger increased, on both the mainland and here, we want to make a deal with the NWR. We are selling you our newly built, LNER P2 at 60 percent off'

Tfc gasped, this is a real bargain.

The man continued, ' of course, the salary for him, should be afforded by the NWR as well, as he will work for this railway. We didn't want to place an engine on the island that doesn't belongs to you, it will be awkward for the both of us. Only one requirement, we wish he would run an express according to a schedule that we would discuss now'

Tfc nodded ' I understand the need of a new service, and I accept the agreement. Now, let's discuss the schedule, we do have a time table...'

Stanley heard the entire conversation, and went up to the P2. He glanced at the big engine. He's bigger than both Gordon and Hiro, with a wheel configuration of 2-8-2. His LNER green was reflecting the sunlight coming from the window roof. 

Stanley ' hello, I suppose you're the new engine joining us?'

The P2 spoke up ' hey there. Yes, I will be joining this railway. Please, call me Nathan'

Stanley ' I'm Stanley, and I work at this yard. I do take goods to various locations at times though. You're an express engine, I suppose?'

Nathan ' indeed I am. Can't wait to meet the famous Gordon, my cousin (yes they're cousins, both designed by sir Nigel Gresley) on this island'

Stanley ' I thought there are a lot of A1/A3 left out there'

 Nathan ' only a handful was scrapped. Most were retained and are in prefect running order, but you know, Gordon was the beginning of the Gresley legacy'

Stanley ' oh, I never knew that'

Nathan ' well, I can't blame you. Just so you know, we Gresley engines have a lot of pride in being a Gresley (actually, Ryan is a Gresley as well)'

Stanley ' it's nice to know you, Nathan, but I have to go back to work. Can I take your coaches?'

Nathan ' of course, thank you'

He went to the sheds to park his engine, and went into a mall near knapford. Once the deal was made, he was told to take the evening express to vicars town. It was noon, so he had time to explore around the island. He returned to tidmouth at the end of the day to have a chat with the steam team. He waited at a siding, and Thomas was the first to arrive. 

Thomas ' oh hi there, so you're the new engine everyone had been hyping about?'

Nathan ' yes, I am the new engine. You can refer me as Nathan. And I don't think I'm that special to get hyped about really'

ttte (My Current Au, May Be Unpublished Soon)Where stories live. Discover now