Arrival of summer season

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Summer arrived while the whole ordeal was going on, meaning more workload. Tfc met the engines on one morning to address some changes.

Tfc, ' so engines, I'm sure you've noticed that summer is here. More passengers and goods, as usual. But from the last few years, passengers seems to be increasing on a rapid pace. Therefore, an increase of coaches on various passengers trains will be implemented. 12 coaches for the expresses and the stopping service run by Hiro and Rebecca. 6, instead of 4 for other branch lines. Goods work will increase as well, I will adjust it accordingly. Now, let's get going, we have a long summer ahead of us.'

The engines arrived at knapford, ready for different trains. Henry was waiting on a siding, waiting for a goods train to be shunted behind him. Gordon and Rebecca we're waiting for the whistle to blow. 

Henry ' so what do expect from this summer?'

Gordon ' extra work, what do you expect?'

Emily pulled up with a goods train, slipping as she struggled with acceleration and grip. ' I just hope it won't be as difficult as last year for me'

James chimed in ' here, here. My goods train was bigger than Henry's last year'

Percy ' hey! Don't victimise yourself, I was your back engine for pretty much the entire season'

Thomas went past with Annie and Clarebell, ready for his run up his branch line, butted in ' and left Toby and me on the branch. Really helpful there Per'

Percy ' at least I asked nia to help'

Nia ' and I was busy at times with other works'

Thomas ' exactly! We worked our asses off last summer!'

Gordon ' the goods engine probably had it worse. Henry, murdoch, the Scottish twins were absolutely trashed by the end of the season'

Stanley couldn't help but join in as he busied himself with shunting, ' and we shunters have to take a lot more trains than usual, i practically joined the little westerns'

James ' and that's to that, we have to shunt a lot of trains, delaying us even more'

Henry ' we're done with your complaining James, let's get your goods train going'

James ' I just hope Toby won't be late from the branch, I have to wait at Crosby for the rest of the train' as he rolled away, with the trucks behind. They've behaved themselves for a long time now, engines had a lot less trouble with disciplining them. 

The whistle blew for Gordon and Rebecca, Gordon didn't have issue pulling out of the station, but Rebecca had. Her class was infamous for its wheel slip, being a lot lighter than most pacific, meaning there's less weight pushing the driving wheels into the rails. Everyone on the station covered their ears at the loud screeching, as the rails and wheels rubbed against each other. Edward, who was waiting for Rebecca to leave platform 2 so he can use it for his train to Brendon, gave her a push to help her out of the station. 

Along the journey to Crosby, Rebecca's first stop, she was slipping dramatically. Even when she got up to speed, every small input to the regulator resulted in wheel spin. Gordon couldn't stay behind to help her, or else he would be late. He was worried about Rebecca's turn to go up Gordon's hill. He wouldn't have issues, as he doesn't stop at wells worth, and can carry massive momentum going up the hill. Rebecca would struggle though, he knew from experience. 

As expected, Rebecca was late to Crosby. Not by much, but it was a sign of things to come. Thankfully, she met Donald at wells worth.

Donald, ' you alright there? You're late, something you rarely do'

ttte (My Current Au, May Be Unpublished Soon)Where stories live. Discover now