Utterly Bizarre, Chapter 9:『The N.S.C.A., pt. 3』

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JoJo yawned as he waited to be released. He'd been sitting in the 'waiting room' for 20 whole minutes, but with everything on his mind, it felt like he'd been there for hours. Eventually, two armed men entered the room. Surprisingly to Josh, they weren't wearing any armor. Weren't they wary of his 'stand' or whatever?

"Alright, Josaba, let's go", one of the guards spoke.

"O-ok sir, mind me asking where?", JoJo shyly asked. Even with superpowers, he didn't feel all cozy and secure with two big guns pointed at his face.

"Ah, yes! If you haven't already been informed by Agent Deus, you've been labeled a low-level threat. Congratulations."

"Whoope", JoJo cheered sarcastically.

"Your little friend you met earlier near your apartment was, surprisingly, complying under our interrogation. I suppose if you put enough pressure, even the hardest rocks crack! Come along now, son, and we'll give you a tour of your new home!"

"M-my..new home?!", JoJo yelped, "What do you mean?!! Aren't I 'low level'?!"

"Sorry, kid. Low-level or not, you're still a freak. We've gotta lock you up, nice and tight. The good people of this world need to stay safe."

"That's...", JoJo trembled, "Bullshit!"

He pushed out both arms to summon forth his stand, but something wasn't right. nothing had happened. He sat there looking like a total fool posing and waving his arms around next to two dudes with guns.

"My stand...where'd my stand go??!" 

"Oh, look down at your feet kid. See those clamps Deus put on 'ya?"

JoJo looked back down at his ankles, which were indeed still clamped, not that the clamps appeared to do anything, though.

"We're not new to this. We've researched stands for years, do you really think we don't have counter-measures against them?", One of the guards teased, "Our scientists found out that these 'stands' were made from a chemical we now call 'Ectomara'. It's invisible, see-through, you know, ghost like. That's probably where it gets the 'ecto' from, I don't know. You guys are born with a certain gene that allows 'ya to see 'em, but us normal, good folk can't."

"Just great", JoJo responded, "I'm assuming these clamps you put on me are a sort of 'Anti-Ectomara, or whatever..?"

"Hey!", The guard perked up, "you're smarter than you look!"

They continued walking down a long and narrow catwalk stretching over a large hall. JoJo could see a bunch of people, men and women, wearing blue and white-garbed shirts and pants. It looked like they were wearing name tags also, not that he could make out any of them.

"Don't worry, we're here," The guard reassured him, "But before we introduce you to your guide, we need to ask you one more question on Deus' terms, ok?"

"Yeah, ok, go ahead..."

"This gene I was talkin' about earlier, the one that lets you see stands, it's passed down through generation to generation, so I just needed to ask... was Shizuka Joestar or Jacob Josaba a stand user?"

"M-my.. parents..?", JoJo pondered, "N-no, they weren't.. not that I know, at least. Hell, after today, anything's possible."

"Hmm, I suppose it doesn't matter much. Our research tells us that they've..passed, is that correct?", the officer continued trying to be polite. Josaba simply nodded in response. "Sorry to hear that. We only ask for sake of documentation, you know."

JoJo was led through a pair of clear, blue doors that opened almost automatically after the officers identified themselves.

"Well, your guide should be with you shortly. You're free to explore if you want, just don't strand too far or he won't be able to find 'ya", one of the men told him, "don't worry, either, he's a top-notch guy at his best behavior. He's a low level risk stand user just like you, so we let him have extra priorities to do things he could in the outside world. He's a real friendly guy too, I'm sure you'll get along just fine."

"O-oh!", Josh was a bit surprised, "My guide is another stand user living here?"

"Yup! He'll be with you shortly. Have a good one, kid."

Boy, what a day. What a damn near awful day. JoJo didn't know what to think. This was all so sudden. He was just out in the world, living his life, and the next thing he knew he wound up here. His new, eternal home. How wonderful. Was he going to try to escape? Could he? Would he be allowed to see his brother, his only family? So many questions still rushed through Josaba's head, even after having so much answered. He was suddenly interrupted by a voice that broke the silence.

"Hey'a, bub!"

JoJo looked up to see a bald man of medium height and a thick, brown beard.

"Josaba, right?", he asked, "I'm 'yer guide today. The name's Robbie Kane. Or Rob. Or Robert. Or.. you can call me whatever 'ya want, ok?"

To be continued...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Note from Author-senpai..)

Took a bit more than a week to update this time, but hey, I made two chapters, so there we go, instant redemption. 

Oh, and one more thing, to all you manga readers who read all of part 6 and know that this doesn't work with the timeline, let's just say it's an alternate universe and keep it at that. It's fanfiction after all, so eh.

ゴゴゴゴ Author-senpai, out! ゴゴゴゴ

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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