Utterly Bizarre, Chapter 6:『Hunted, pt. 4』

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JoJo scrambled to his feet, his mind numb from shock or pain. Or maybe both. Ok, realistically, definitely both.

He didn't know what was up with today, but he certainly wasn't going to stick around this in place.

"I just gotta find Martin," he thought, "and skedaddle my shit outta here..."

But before he could do so, or call out his brother's name, he heard a loud crash coming from the floor behind him, and felt a giant fist crash into his back too quick for him to react, sending him tumbling to the floor yet again.

Looking behind him, he managed to make out the blurry figure of the man who could see his spirit, along with Shine Bright.

"I've been doing this for years", he told Josh, "a simple fall isn't going to put my reflexes out of commission."

"Crap," JoJo thought, "I'm gonna die here!"

Quickly, he pulled himself up and summoned forth his companion, who swung his muscular arms at Shine Bright and its owner. The two of them ducked the attack, and, putting it's hands forwards, Shine Bright blasted another beam of white light into JoJo's eyes.

Stumbling backwards, JoJo and the behemoth under his control flailed about, blindly blocking hits from Shine Bright. Eventually, the creature swung it's arm back and lunged into JoJo's shoulder, stabbing through him with it's elbow-blade.

Josaba could feel blood gushing to his mouth, and his brain fogged up again as he grabbed onto his shoulder vigorously, his lungs gasping for more air.

As he heard Shine Bright charging again, he desperately reached out his arms in opposite directions, feeling across the walls for something, anything to use to his advantage. As he felt, he suddenly grasped onto a wooden leg, and, picking up the large table, used his creature to launch it full force down the hall. JoJo heard a sudden cry.


The table broke to the force of Shine Bright's mighty fists. However, this was all a part of Josh's plan. Charging towards the area where the noise had come from, his monster released it's arm, crashing full speed into the body of the enemy.


Josh heard a sudden cry of shock and pain as his attack took the enemy by surprise, knocking him over.

Meanwhile, one of the armored officers was carrying his comrades outside of the building.

Checking his watch, he wondered when back up would finally arrive. It was madness in there.

Suddenly, his walky-talky buzzed again.

"Officer James? This is HQ, we sent Patrol Team Alpha on your way."

"Thank god", he responded. "When will they be here?''

"They should be arriving just about now. Stay calm, and stay away from the perpetrators at all costs."

"Over and out."


The transmission ended again as the officer made his way outside the apartments.

Josh would've looked around to see where his mysterious attacker had landed, but his eyesight still hadn't fully returned after Shine Bright's attacks. Suddenly, he felt wind whipping towards him and moved backwards in time to see a flash of light. That guy was really still kicking?

"I must say, you've given me quite some trouble, JoJo. That stand of yours is quite the pest, but I've too much experience in this field.", The man spoke, "If you would've just come with me peaceably, none of this would have needed to happen, but now it's become quite necessary to-"

Before he could finish, JoJo's companion swung it's arms full force towards him.

"Why won't you just leave me?!"

The blind attack did not connect, and JoJo felt Shine Bright lay into his chest and stomach, sending him flying across the hall bleeding.

"D-damnit...", Josaba muttered. He was out of breath, beaten up. Whatever was going on, it wasn't good and he had no strength to continue. As he looked up, he saw his fighting partner fade away. "Wh-where are you going?! I.. I need you!!"

His opponent walked slowly towards him, his metal boots producing a spine-chilling thud each time they hit the ground. Suddenly, he took off one of his gloves to reveal a Caucasian hand wearing a watch, which he promptly checked. So, he wasn't a killer robot, just a killer human. Well, that was good to know. He silently swore to himself as he looked at the time.

"You idiot!", he yelled at JoJo, "Now there's not much time left! We need to get out of here before--"

A door at the opposite end of the long hall burst open and a plethora of armored police officers same bursting through. They looked almost like the ones JoJo had seen earlier, but in completely dark black uniforms, fully armored helmets and holding shields that seemed to crackle with some kind of white energy.

"Are those the perpetrators?", One of the policemen asked another, the man who Shine Bright had injured.

"Yessir!", came his response.

"Damnit! Quick, before--"

JoJo's opponent started to pick him up and run, but suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious. All JoJo could see was a dart in the man's one gloveless arm before he too was hit. Then, everything faded...into...darkness.

To be continued...

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