Utterly Bizarre, Chapter 8:『The N.S.C.A., pt. 2』

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Agent Deus walked into the dark, cold room sipping at a warm coffee. Letting out a satisfied sigh, he crushed the cup and threw it into a garbage bin in the corner of the room while approaching Josaba.

"Agent Deus, please, put your face-mask back on!", one of the researchers yelled from behind the glass.

"Oh! Thanks", Deus replied, sliding the mask back over his face, "Never can be too careful around stand users."

He took a seat in a chair directly across from Josh and pulled a wooden desk in-between them.

"So, Josaba, I understand that you had a conflict with another stand user prior to containment", He addressed, "due to security protocol, I'm going to need you to describe to me what that attack was about, unless you want to be labelled high-level threat."

"I-I can tell you I'm no threat sir! I've never even met another stand user before today, I-I thought this guy was like my imaginary friend or something, I don't know!", JoJo replied, his voice shaking.

"Can you tell me what made you two engage in combat?"

"I...I'm not sure, but I was looking for my little brother Martin", JoJo began, "I got so worried because all your... N.S.C.A. guys were surrounding my house a-and I thought something bad had happened. When I got inside, I saw that weirdo attacking your men, and I thought he had done something to Martin, and.. and.. I--"

"That's enough, Josh. Now tell me, did he say anything unusual to you, this man, or did he instantly attack?"

"Come to think of it, he was saying a lot of stuff that made no sense. He.. he kept talking about people being after me, and that I have to come with him and trust him because he was a 'professional' or.. or something like that..", JoJo gave his honest answer.

"Hmph! Well, I think that about wraps it up for this interview", The officer chuckled, drumming his fingers on the table, "Once I report to my superiors, I'll see if I can't get you outta that strap-chair, ok, bud?"

"And then what?", came the unexpected question.

"What do you mean 'and then what?'"

"What happens next? Can't I go home and see Martin? Is-is he ok?! Where even am I?!"

"I'm afraid our current location is classified", Deus responded, "But I can tell you for certain your brother is fine. Everything.. is going to be fine. Just keep up the good behavior, cooperate, and we'll give you a wonderful new life, a wonderful new home here at the N.S.C.A. Containment Chamber!"

JoJo trembled just a little bit as the man slowly arose from his seat and walked towards the dark corner of the room again. 

"Containment Chamber?! What have I gotten into.."

Agent Deus looked up at a chairman sitting atop a large blue desk, waving a pen in his hand like a judge with a hammer.

"So, Agent Deus, what have you to report on our latest captives?", The Chairman asked.

"Well, Josh Josaba was highly cooperative. His story matches up with the events, and he had no malicious intent when using his stand, both during combat, and interrogation. Well, that I could tell."

"Hmmmmm", The Chairman pondered, fiddling his pen.

"He's a good kid, Chairman, he was only trying to help his little brother."

"And what about our second captive?", The man at the blue desk asked.

"Well, his transport hasn't arrived yet, but Josh's story indicates he's still up to his old tricks.."

"Josaba's story", The Chairman corrected.

"Er, yes, sir."

"Very well", The Chairman concluded, "Let us await the arrival of our second subject. If his story matches up with Josaba's, the boy gets low-risk profits. Let him out of the interrogation room for now, but keep at least 2 armed guards around him at all times."

"Y-yes, sir."

Soon later, Officer Deus reported back to the interrogation chamber where JoJo was held.

"Alright kid", Dues spoke, making JoJo raise his head, "Chairman says you're free to go. I mean, out of interrogation, that is."

He reached down and unlocked JoJo's wrists and legs, to which the tall young man arose, giving out a big stretch. Before he could move much farther, however, the Officer clamped two black disks with yellow lights through the middle near Josaba's ankles.

"C'mon, let's get moving", The Officer lead JoJo out of the interrogation chamber and past the scientists, where two more armed guards suddenly appeared. As JoJo walked, he couldn't help but notice a large, armored truck that looked almost like a semi pulling up in a parking slot behind them.

Out of the corner of his eye, Josh saw who was exiting the vehicle. His opponent from earlier that day, accompanied by four armed men. And even though the desert dust and sand flying by could play tricks on the eye, even though JoJo could hardly make it out, even though the man was wearing a mask, still, he could've sworn he was glaring right at him.

To be continued...

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