Utterly Bizarre, Chapter 7:『The N.S.C.A., pt. 1』

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Breeze blew the parched, dark tan dust through the clammy air, reaching through barbed wire gates in the New Mexico desert. A massive, blue and grey building loomed over the horizon, standing at least 200 feet tall at it's highest, and a seemingly endless measurement across. 

It was here where JoJo awakened, or, rather, inside of the building....

"Wh-whuh...", Josaba slowly regained his senses as his eyes drifted about, slowly opening. It wouldn't have made a difference, however, as this room, wherever the hell he was, was pitch black. "Wh-where am I?!", he managed to stutter, struggling at bonds that held down his arms.

Across the room, behind a glass panel, three men sat. One wore the armored garb JoJo had seen on those strange police men, while the other two wore green lab coats with purple ties, and held clipboards, pencils, and notepads.

"I believe the prisoner has awakened, Agent Dues", said one of the men taking notes. 

"Alright, I'll go in and talk to the poor freak", the man in uniform responded. 

Suddenly, a light went on in the room JoJo was in, partially illuminating the walls, ceiling and floor, all also grey and blue. From one corner, he heard an electric door slide open, but it was too dark for him to see anything. Suddenly, a man garbed in armored uniform partially matching that of the room emerged from the still-dark corner.

"Hello, Josh", the man calmly spoke, approaching the young adult held in the chair. "You're probably wondering what's going on, how you got here, and why you're even in this room strapped to a chair in the first place. Trust me, there are reasonable explanations."

"Wow", JoJo said sarcastically, "I wonder how you knew what I was thinking?"

"First thing I'm gonna tell you is don't waste your time trying to break outta that thing", the Officer said, pointing to the chair JoJo was in, "Your stand isn't going to do you any good here, either, so I recommend that you comply"

Stand. Stand.

Everything came back to JoJo in a flash because of that word. The man who was attacking him, the one with a spirit at his side, too, isn't that what he called it? A stand?

"Now I'm going to ask you some questions, son, and I need you to answer honestly if you don;t want to be considered a threat, got that?", the Officer snapped.

"Y-yes, sir!" JoJo responded. His creature was trying to break him out of the chair, but it didn't seem to be getting anywhere for some reason. The Officer was right. What's this thing made out of, anyway?

"Are you in league with The Hunter, or do you know anything of value about his actions??", his interrogator asked.

"The Hunter?! N-no, sir, I do not. Frankly, I don't even know what you're talking about!!", Josaba responded.

"Hmm, good", the man said. From the corner of his eye JoJo could almost make out some men in suits, watching and writing...

"Um, Sir, can ask you something? Really quick..", JoJo asked.

The Officer didn't respond, but stopped. Was that a yes?

"You...", JoJo hesitated, "You keep talking about 'Stands'. What are these 'Stand' things??!"

"The creature you posses", the Officer stated, "We, and others of your kind, refer to them as Stands. They were believed to have been a manifestation of fighting spirit."

"But.. this isn't a normal thing, is it?! Can... can you see my.. stand, sir?"

"No, I don't believe I can. Only another Stand user can do such things. Luckily, science has found a way to prevent them from being too dangerous."

"Wh-what do you mean, sir?"

"The existence of people like you was a relatively recent discovery, you know..", the Officer began, "Scientists from around the globe were puzzled by such a discovery, but we knew something had to be done about it. History tells us that there have been many people like you in the past, Josh, people with these.... stands. Some were born with them, some developed them in alternate ways. Some used them for good, but.."

The man stopped momentarily, as if thinking.

"Not everyone. Listen, Josh, men with superpowers roaming free among us was a dangerous realization for society, and something had to be done about it, so the U.S. Government created a protection agency known as the National Stand Containment Association!", he pointed to a label on his uniform, reading N.S.C.A.

"We were made to contain people like you, not because we think you're monsters. Well, not all of you, you must understand that.... we're only doing this for the greater good of the public. It's what we've been doing for the past 2 decades."

The man got up and began to walk away back into the corner of the room.

"I'll..be right back, kid. I'm gonna go get a coffee, besides, they usually need some time to process that."

Well damn. Josh Josaba was a superhuman. Josh Josaba was a stand user.

To be continued...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Note from Author-senpai..)

Alright, so thanks for stopping by and reading, you beautiful JoJo fans! I hope you find the story of interest so far, because it's not even near completion! Anyways, I'm going to update this story hopefully regularly, maybe about once a week due to my chapters being relatively short, but my schedule might go a little wacky at times due to school.

I hope you enjoyed, and please do continue to read! I'll do my best to please! 

ゴゴゴゴ Author-senpai, out! ゴゴゴゴ

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