Utterly Bizarre, Chapter 3:『Hunted, pt. 1』

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Josh Josaba walked back down the street with little regard to his recent experience. Sure, witnessing an attempted robbery was scary, but crime was more or less rampant among the lower class everywhere nowadays, Santa Fe not being any different.

Seeing something like that more regularly hardened a person in a way, but JoJo was used to it. Hey, he got some free bags from the robbers, so it couldn't have been all that bad.

It was about 15 minutes before Josh reached his block, but when he arrived, he was greeted with an unpleasant surprise that made his stomach churn with worry. As he rounded the corner, he caught sight of 3 dark black vehicles parked outside his apartment. 2 of them looked almost like suped-up police cars, or some kind of government vehicle, but the third one really sealed the deal: it was a large jeep, but the sheer size of it made it look like a tank. The thing had to be at least a dozen feet high and 20 feet long, and looked more like it belonged on a battlefeild than outside of his house.

Outside of his house.

That's when it hit him, these huge, serious looking machines were parked right outside of his house!

"What the actually hell is going on here?!!", He thought out loud.

As JoJo began approaching, he noticed his neighbors, who he rarely ever saw outside, being evacuated off the street by officers in padded armor clothing and helmets. This did not appear to be a regular police force, but like what JoJo pictured a SWAT raid might look like. Quickly, his mind flew into fear and hysteria.

"I-I left Martin at home! Wh-what if something happened? What if someone broke in and..and...", He remembered his recent experience at the gas station, "Oh g-g-god! What if we were robbed! I.. couldn't live with myself if... if..." Suddenly, those stupid crooks he was reminiscing about seemed alot more threatening.

"Get on your way, son!", His dark thoughts were broken up by one of the armored men, who happened to be waving around an almost futuristic gun with little cautiousness, making Josaba rather uneasy.

"S-sir! What's going on here?!!", Josh pleaded to know.

"I'm sorry, son, but that's classified. Let's just say it was another robber"

That was not the answer JoJo had wanted to hear.

"P-please let me through! I live in one of the apartments in that building, and so does my little brother! He was supposed to be home alone, but now something's happened, a-and.. oh, god..." Josh broke down before the policeman, falling to his knees, "I-I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything ever happened to him! Please! My Mom and Da trusted that I would take care of him! Please, I just want to know if he's going to be ok!!"

"Son, we'll see if we can get your brother out of the building, and if we can, I promise he'll be out as soon as possible.", The officer responded, "Now please evacuate the area! It could be dangerous!"

Josh had had enough. He knew he was about to do something dangerous, something stupid, but he just needed to know if Martin was ok. A massive, muscular arm that lacked any skin suddenly launched out from behind Josh and bent the Officer's gun. Before the man had any time to process what had just happened, ha was knocked out.

Josh cringed. He had just knocked out an officer of the law. Lord, that was bad, but there was no way they would know it was him. He just needed to find Martin, and then he would be fine. As JoJo rushed up the staircace, he saw a group of the armed men at the top of the stairs trying to break down the door to one of the rooms. As he neared, one of them turned around and noticed him.

"Hey! How did you get in here?!!" The man, questioned. The small squad that was with him all immediately diverted their attention from the door and pointed their guns at JoJo.

"I-I--", JoJo stuttered, looking for an answer that he knew he didn't have.

However, it turned out that he wouldn't need one, as, in that split second, a blinding flash flew about the room, spreading across the whole top floor. Even at the bottom of the stairs, JoJo couldn't tell what was going on, but when he opened his eyes again the blinding white was gone.

"Did one of them throw a flash grenade or something?!! Oh, this is bad!!", He thought. JoJo cautiously ascended the stairs with his hands up, all the while letting the officers know he was coming towards them. However, when he reached the top of the staircase, they were a crumpled mess on the floor. Many of them appeared to have broken bones, and they were all disarmed and injured.

"Wh-wh-what just--"

JoJo turned to see a lean figure wearing a grey and black metal outfit, including a robotic mask and a mahogany robe.

The man, or whatever it was he was looking at, addressed him in a calm, deep voice.

"Ah. Josh Josaba. I've been looking for you."

To be continued...

Utterly Bizarre: Part 1 (A Fanmade JoJo's Part)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora