Utterly Bizarre Chapter 5:『Hunted, pt. 3』

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JoJo couldn't believe his eyes. This man, in front of him, the one who had broken into his apartment house and attacked the government agents inside, had one of these creatures, just like his own!

"He's called Shine Bright. And yes, if you're wondering, I can see yours, as well. That great big bulk of muscle behind you needs a proper name, doesn't he?" The man stated.

"N-no way!! Y-you can see him?!", JoJo yelped. You would have thought this wouldn't be unusual, as a massive bulk of a creature covered with skinless muscle sounds pretty easy to spot, but no one other than JoJo ever seemed to notice, or even pay any attention to the thing. At first he had believed it was just a figment of his imagination, but when the anomalous powers began to form, he realized it was something much greater. At first he was afraid, but the monster, or ghost, or WHATEVER you could call it never harmed him, and hell, it had been there since Josh was in 6th grade.

"Only people like us can see them..", the lean man said, walking to one side.

"Y-you.. you attacked them with that thing! Are you the reason that they're here? Did you do something to Martin??!", Josaba screamed.

"Foolish boy!! I'll capture you, even if it requires your complete incapacitation! You've too much idiocy, you're too dangerous to be let roam free!!"

Suddenly, the enemy creature launched itself at Josh, breaking it's fist through the door behind him as he steps out of the way. Josh jumped backwards through the door, breaking it using the force of his creature. Josh turned to run down the hall.

"Do not attempt to escape me, Josh Josaba! Your capture is now imminent!" He heard from behind him. The creature's fists clashed mid-air once again, as JoJo's blocked a hit from the enemy monster. Then, it grabbed onto Shine Bright's arm, and slammed it's other fist, full force, into the creatures face, or, rather, where its face would be. To Josh's surprise, blood squirted out of the mask of his attacker, through a small crack that formed in the side. Before he could commit to a follow-up, his opponent stepped far backwards.

"Interesting.", He noted, "great physical power."

Meanwhile, one of the police officers down the hallway began to push himself to his feet. Looking over, he saw the 2 men battering their surroundings with seemingly nothing. Slowly and painfully, he managed to crawl over to a black box with a microphone on the floor even with broken ribs.

"H..HQ... We're.. gonna need back up.. there's.. 2 of those freaks..."

"Godamn!", Came a reply from the communication device, "I'll make sure you get what you need! Is anyone down?"

"Yes! Officers 1-4, including me! *cough* *cough*"

"Get out of there if you can! Help is on the way!"


The mike went out as the conversation ended, and the injured officer crawled slowly across the floor towards his comrades.

Back down towards the end of the hall, JoJo launched himself and his partner towards the enemy.

"Where's my brother?!! What did you do??!" He yelled

Suddenly, Shine Bright let loose 3 flying, glowing disks that looked like crosses between plates and lightsabers. Trying his best to dodge, JoJo took a hit to the face from one of them, and everything went white once again.

"G-gah!! I can't see!!"

"There's no use reasoning with you. You're nothing less than a raving madman at this point." He heard his opponent say.

Desperately, JoJo and his companion swung in the general direction of the taunting voice, but managed to connect with nothing. Suddenly, JoJo felt a massive blow collide into his stomach, and then another into his jaw.

"Kyyah!!", He heard his enemy shout before he was sent flying through the hallway into a large wooden table.

Struggling back to his feet, JoJo felt that his back was completely bruised up, and his vision had hardly returned.

"D-damnit... Why is this happening?!! How is this happening?!!" He choked, before hearing that cursed monotone voice yet again.

"It's a most deadly ability, isn't it, forcing you to fight without your precious sense of eyesight? Oh well, I gave you your chance to come peaceably."

Suddenly, a charging noise filled the hall as Shine Bright ran forth towards him.

"I don't need my sight to do this, you murderous bastard!!", Josh yelled. Forcing the fist of his beast through the ground, he created a massive crater, and heard a sudden gasp of shock before listening to a body fall with a thud to the first floor.

"He should be knocked out", JoJo concluded, "I've gotta get out of here..."

To be continued...

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